ROL International is a division of River of Life Christian Church


Build a glorious church.

reach all nations.

about rol international

ROL International (ROLI) is a division of River of Life Christian Church and represents the global work of River of Life Christian Church (ROLCC) .

ROLCC’s first adventure into the world of global missions started in 1996 when it began supporting the country of Mongolia through Every Home for Christ. Through working with EHC, Pastor Tong shared the vision of ROLCC with one young and energetic pastor and started its first international church plant in 2017. ROLCC has since planted churches in 33 nations organized by region (Africa, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, The Americas, Europe and Asia) with over 350 churches worldwide.


矽谷生命河靈糧堂首次踏上全球宣教的道路是始於 1996 年,當時正開始支持宣教機構 -「萬國逐家佈道團」- 蒙古。 透過與萬國逐家佈道團的合作,劉彤牧師與一位年輕而充滿活力的牧師分享了矽谷生命河靈糧堂的願景,並於2017年開始了第一間跨國植堂。 矽谷生命河靈糧堂至今橫跨了33個國家(包含非洲、中亞、東南亞、美洲 、歐洲和亞洲),在全球擁有超過 350 座分堂。

about river of life christian church

River of Life Christian Church (ROLCC) was founded in 1995 by Pastor Tong Liu with a vision to Build a Glorious Church centered on four key strategies: Worship and Praise, Holy Spirit Renewal, Life Groups and Glocal (Global + Local) Impact.

Headquartered in SIlicon Valley, God has blessed the church to be the largest Chinese Church in Northern America, making a significant impact both in local communities and across the globe.



our mission

The heart for global church planting begins with Revelation 22:1-5, which provides a vision of the heavenly church and highlights four key elements: 1) the throne of God, 2) the river flowing from the throne, 3) the servants surrounding the throne, and 4) the tree of life with leaves that heal the nations. Each of these elements symbolizes one of the four core strategies of River of Life Christian Church, with the fourth element—the tree of life—representing the global outreach efforts of River of Life International (ROLI).

Currently, over 390 churches in 33 nations call River of Life Christian Church (ROLCC) home. The core belief of River of Life International (ROLI) is that the most effective way to evangelize and make a lasting impact for God’s kingdom is by building churches where people can grow spiritually, fellowship and feel a sense of belonging.

By collaborating with local leaders who share the vision of ROLCC, we are able to support and equip them to build strong, vibrant churches that reflect God’s love and purpose - bringing the gospel to diverse regions and fostering spiritual growth in local communities around the world.

Of course, the Great Commission cannot be fulfilled alone. ROLI actively partners with like-minded ministries and organizations world wide to spread the gospel to make Christ known.

全球植堂的核心始於《啟示錄》22:1-5,它提供了天上教會的異象,並強調了四個關鍵要素:1) 神的寶座,2) 從寶座流出的河流,3)周圍的僕人寶座,以及 4) 生命樹,其葉子可以治癒萬國。這些元素中的每一個都像徵著矽谷生命河靈糧堂的四個核心策略之一,第四個元素—生命樹—代表了國際生命河的全球推廣工作。

目前,矽谷生命河靈糧堂在 33 個國家擁有 390 多個分堂。國際生命河的核心信念是透過最有效的方式在各地帶出神國深遠影響力。而最強而有力的方式就是傳揚福音與建立分堂,讓人們能夠在靈裡成長、共同團契並感受到歸屬感。

透過與支持矽谷生命河靈糧堂願景的各地領袖合作,我們能夠支持於裝備他們建立剛強、充滿活力的教會,反射出上帝的愛和目標 - 將福音帶到世界不同的角落,促使深入當地社區使每個人靈裡得翻轉。


about pastor tong

Pastor Tong Liu is the Founder and Senior Pastor of River of Life Christian Church (ROLCC). Since founding the church in 1995, it has grown into a global leader, demonstrating the impact a modern church can have. Located in Santa Clara, California, ROLCC serves over 3,000 weekly attendees and is home to a vibrant worship and media ministry, the River of Life Foundation, U Channel (streaming TV channel), ROLPLI (the church’s seminary), and numerous other ministries. The church is widely recognized for its leadership in global missions. Pastor Tong Liu is highly sought after worldwide as a pastor, speaker and thought leader. 

劉彤牧師是矽谷生命河靈糧堂的創始人和主任牧師。自 1995 年成立以來,該教會已成為全球教會間的領導者,展示了現代教會可以產生的影響力。 矽谷生命河靈糧堂位於美國加州聖塔克拉拉,每週為3,000 多名會友提供各式服務,事工包含了充滿活力的敬拜、傳媒影音事工生命河基金會優視 U Channel(串流電視頻道)、生命河教牧領袖學院(教會神學院)等等。教會因其在全球宣教中的領導地位而廣受認可。这间教会因其在全球宣教中的领导地位而广受认可。刘同牧师作为牧者、讲员和思想领袖在全球范围内备受推崇。

The vision of River of Life Christian Church is to build a glorious church for the Lord. While preaching the gospel, loving and serving people are vital components to the Christian Faith, the greater purpose is to prepare the church as a radiant bride for Christ. At ROLCC, our mission is to align with this purpose, readying the church for Christ’s return and touching God’s heart through our efforts.

— Pastor Tong Liu