we believe in partnership

We believe that reaching the nations cannot be done alone. We greatly value partnerships with mission organizations and individuals to advance the Great Commission.

我們相信單憑一己之力,無法接觸到所有國家。 我們非常重視與宣教組織和宣教士的夥伴關係,以促使共同完成神的大使命。

our partners

Youth with a Mission YWAM- Dean Sherman and Kazakhstan 青年使命團

China Soul for Christ Foundation 神州傳播協會

In the Gap

Galilee International US 美國國際加利利

Every Home for Christ (EHC)- Benin and Mongolia 萬國逐家佈道團- 貝南, 蒙古

Christian Friends of Israel (CFI) 基督徒以色列之友

Pioneer Ministries-Arab World Media (AWM) 阿拉伯媒體宣教團

Iran Alive Ministries (IAM) 伊朗傳媒事工

Kehilat HaCarmel (Carmel Assembly) 迦密山敬拜中心

Roads of Success 成功之路

Tree of Life Ministries Israel 以色列生命樹事工

Cross Media Production (CMP)

North Thailand New Life Ministries 泰北新生命事工

Faith Ministries For India 印度信心事奉中心

South East Asia Prayer Center (SEAPC) 東南亞禱告中心

Tabernacle of David Ministries Int'l (TODMI) 大衛的帳幕事工

Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.