National Director: Pastor Corneille
No. of Churches: 23
Headquarter: Cotonou, Benin
Year Started: 2001


Benin, a French-speaking African country, is not only the birthplace of voodoo idols, but also one of the countries with the worst worship of voodoo idols in the world. Especially in some rural and remote areas. Voodoo often involves belief in mystical forces and the spirit world, with people believing that voodoo practitioners have special abilities that can affect various things in life.

Rev. Bokovi Corneille, originally from our daughter church ROLCC in Awoutekondji, Togo, and his wife were sent to Benin as missionary and church planting surveyors in June of 2001. Through many months of prayers and fasting, they finally established a church in Cotonou, Benin in October. Rev. Bokovi Corneille has a great burden for evangelism, and in the past few years has planted other churches, but the initial expansion was very difficult. After 5 years of hard work, the first branch church was established in Dogbo. Then with God providing breakthroughs and grace, they led coworkers to actively spread the gospel to other regions and planted new meeting places. They continue their efforts to bring the message of the gospel to the people of Benin and lead more people to Christ. They also sent pastors to Burkina Faso in 2009 and again sent pastors to Niger in 2018 to start more churches, so that the gospel can actively and widely spread to people in nearby countries, and lead more people to know the one true God. Praise the Lord for his abundant grace for keeping their new church construction completed successfully under the global spread of the epidemic. By 2024, 28 branches have been established. Thank God for His abundant grace. May God use them to be a blessing to the region and greatly demonstrate the glory of God.


Region: West Africa
Language: French

位於非洲說法語的貝南, 不僅是巫毒偶像的發源地,也是全世界敬拜巫毒偶像最嚴重的國家之一。尤其是 在部分地區的農村和偏遠地區。巫毒崇拜通常涉及對神秘力量和靈界的信仰,人們相信巫毒師擁有特殊的能力,可以影響生活中的各種事物。Rev. Bokovi Corneille 原為多哥愛渥太康奇生命河靈糧堂的牧師,他於2001年6月被差派到貝南,為宣教和植堂作先行的探子,Corneille 牧師透過禁食及禱告行進,同年10月決定在貝南最大且人口最多的卡金奧市(Cotonou)建立分堂。初期的拓展非常艱難,他們花了5年才在多哥波(Dogbo)建立了第二間分堂。之後神賜下突破及恩典,他們帶領同工積極向其他地區傳福音及拓植新的聚會地點,他們仍繼續努力,期望將福音的信息帶給全貝南的百姓,帶領更多人歸向基督。Corneille牧師對傳福音有很大的負擔,2009年差派牧者赴布吉納法索成立分堂,2018年又差派牧者赴尼日成立分堂,希望將福音廣傳鄰邦,帶領更多人認識真神。到2024年,已擴建了28間分堂,感謝神豐盛的恩典,願神使用他們成為地區的祝福,來大大彰顯神的榮耀。


  • Pray for the growth of churches in ROLCC Gbaffo, ROLCC Dassa Lanmanou

    請為貝南生命河Gbaffo與Dassa Lanmanou分堂的人數增長代禱。

  • Pray for the spiritual growth of new believers in ROLCC Guehoun


  • We ask God to give us grace and equip every member to spread the gospel together.
