Bread of Life Christian Church in Montreal

Location: Montreal, Canada
Pastor: Reverend Rong-Fu Huang
Year started: 2000

The Bread of Life Christian Church in Montreal was established in August, 2000. At the beginning, it was started as a bible study by Chinese students and families. Currently there are ten cell groups for different ages. The church emphasizes ministries such as shepherding, worship, mission, and prayer. They also provide for seeker friends and believers courses for life renewal and equipping classes so that brothers and sisters can be properly equipped. The church is also very focused on the development of the next generation through the children ministry. Other than the children's Sunday school, they also organized children choir, psalm memorization, angel nights, summer camps, and outdoor trips, by combining teaching with fun. In the many years, through the services of the bi-vocational Pastor Huang, the church coworkers, and the brothers and sisters, they have grown in stability and unity. In their growth, they have also actively supported missionaries such as in Asia and Israel. May God greatly use them as a blessing to the Montreal area of Canada.


partner in prayer:

Pray for the growth of the church. Ask the Lord to expand the realm of the church. The number of saved people will be added to the church every day. The testimony of Christians is not limited to the church, but also allows brothers and sisters to have an influence in the world.


In order that missionary work can be wise and better support newly opened areas, please help all brothers and sisters to participate in missionary work as much as possible, pray for missionary work in various places, and actively support missionary work with dedication and action; and please give wisdom and has good strategies to spread the gospel smoothly in newly developed areas.


Pray for the church’s weekly staff, asking the Holy Spirit to fill every gathering and deepen each brother and sister’s love for the Lord and their desire to draw closer to God. Pray for those serving every Sunday, including the service leaders, worship leaders, pianists, prayer ministers, worship team, and sound technicians. Ask God to grant them wisdom and strategies, so that through their worship, all attendees may experience God’s presence.
