Bread of Life Christian Church in Washington DC

Location: Washington, D.C.
Pastor: Wendy
Year started: 2001
Church Website

The Bread of Life Christian Church in Washington DC was established by ROLCC in 2001. In the summer of 2000, Pastor Tong visited Maryland where he attended graduate school, held bible study, and participated in church service. He met with some Christians who have experienced renewal in the Holy Spirit and were longing for church revival. They were very much in agreement with the vision and the mission of River of Life Christian Church. As a result, they started to build local cell groups. Afterwards, God led Pastor Yinan Hu to know Pastor Tong. They received the confirmation from God’s word after a period of prayer and seeking, consequently, Rev. Hu accepted the invitation to establish the church named Bread of Life Christian Church in Washington DC in July 2001. Even though they have experienced some difficulties and challenges, by the grace of God, they have continued to grow while bringing the Lord’s blessing and love to the entire community Pastor Hu decided to take a break so he resigned from ROLCC DC. We pray for God’s continual leading in strengthening the brothers and sisters in the church to move forward in unity. May the adults, young adults, youths and children all experience God’s great power and have deeper love for the Lord and the people. May the church experience revival and spur the revival in the Washington DC area. May they carry forth their special mission from God.


partner in prayer:

Thank God for giving us the right and freedom to participate in democratic elections. We especially pray for the city of DC, asking that your wisdom and righteousness will fill this land. DC is the heart of the country and carries a lot of history and responsibility. Pray that You will preserve peace and stability in this city during the presidential election, allowing all residents to express their choices freely and securely


Thank God for giving us Senior Pastor Hu Yinan who serves faithfully. You called him to this church to work hard for your kingdom, and thank you that through him you enabled your church to grow and that we can know you better. Pastor Hu is about to embark on the next journey You have prepared for him, and we entrust him into Your hands. Please guard his steps and give him peace and strength. No matter where he goes, he can carry your grace and will with him.


Ask God to grant the team a heart of unity. May Your Holy Spirit move among us, allowing us to put aside our differences and treat each other with love and godliness. Please help each member discover his or her gifts and make good use of them. These gifts come to glorify You and edify others.
