Bread of Life Christian Church in Orlando

Location: Oviedo, Florida
Pastor: Reverend Paul Zhang
Year started: 1997
Church Website

The Bread of Life Christian Church in Orlando is located in Florida’s tourist area of Oviedo, which is northeast of Orlando. This is the first River of Life daughter church in North America. The church officially became a daughter church in October, 1997. In 2000, the church purchased land in Oviedo to start constructing the church building and it was completed in 2003. This church is also the first River of Life daughter church to finish a church building. The church followed the River of Life vision - through praise and worship, Holy Spirit renewal, cell church, glocal transformation, they hope to enter into the lives of people, so that the Chinese people in Orlando may live a life of the faith, and truly receive and experience the rich grace of God’s salvation and blessings. The church has experienced stable growth in all areas. In 2018, they began to focus on the spiritual cultivation of the church. In cooperation with the mother church to carry out the training and planning of workers, they started the Leadership College and the missionary work in 2019. In 2022, after more than two years of the global epidemic, the ministry of the church has been protected by God and has grown further, the six cell groups are also guided by God. Children's Sunday school music worship is very popular, the number of children continues to increase, and the church is also expanding online to serve the house churches in the home country. During the 25th anniversary ceremony, nearly 200 people attended, there were no empty seats, and many people stood. Over the past 25 years, the church has continued to make breakthroughs under the leadership of God, and the flame of revival has been ignited. Looking forward to the future, the church will be committed to the unity of the church, and to enhance the lives and spirituality of the brothers and sisters through building, and the co-workers are dedicated to their responsibilities, serve enthusiastically, and the brothers and sisters are united and loving. With the hope that the church will be more in line with God’s will and continue to expand the mission given by God. May the Orlando Bread of Life Church in Orlando can bring God’s salvation and blessings to the residents of the entire Florida, and come to witness God’s deeds and God’s glory together.

位於佛羅裡達州旅遊區奧蘭多東北 Oviedo的奧蘭多靈糧堂,是生命河靈糧堂在北美所成立的第一間分堂,也是台灣台北靈糧堂協助成立的第一個蒙福的教會。該堂於1997年10月正式成為生命河的分堂,從家庭聚會開始,到借用美國教會 (Full Gospel Church, 1998) 聚會,到借用華商活動中心 (1999-2001),經歷了神無數的祝福。該堂於2000年購買於奧維多市(Oviedo)的土地開始建堂工程,並於2003年完工,也是生命河第一間完成建堂工程的分堂。該堂跟隨生命河的異象,藉著敬拜讚美,聖靈更新,小組教會,全地轉化,希望教會能進入人群,使奧蘭多地區的華人能在信仰生活中,真實領受及體驗神豐富的救恩與祝福。20多年來在神的帶領下同心合一,教會各方面都有穩定的成長,各項事工不斷日臻完善,復興的火焰已經熊熊燃起。張民先牧師在2016年蒙神呼召和奉母堂差派,開始在奧蘭多靈糧堂服事,2018年教會專注於靈命造就與恩赐栽培,2019年則配合母堂開展領袖學院下分堂與宣敎工作的工人培訓和規劃。2022年經歷兩年多全球的疫情後,教會的事工蒙神保守更加成長,六個小組活動很有神的帶領,兒童主日學音樂敬拜火熱,孩子人數不斷增加,教會也拓展在網上服侍國內家庭教會。二十五週年慶聚會時,近200人參加,座無虛席,很多人站著。2023開始,教會敬拜事工開始蓬勃發展,並有許多同工參與自創歌曲編寫,提交了不少奧蘭多靈糧堂 的敬拜曲目。2024年,領受異象將要開啟新的學生佈道事工,為主贏得這個世代的年輕人。

partner in prayer:

Please pray for the student evangelism ministry of Orlando Bread of Life Church, and ask the Lord to personally gather Christians on campus and encourage them to bless the campus with prayers and actions. Let the new student evangelism ministry build campus altars, transform the campus with the love of Christ, and practice the Great Commission.


Ask God to raise up more pastors and counselors who have a responsibility for young people, a vision for them, and counselors to shepherd young people. Ask the Lord to use various channels to equip counselors so that their service is full of anointing and their lives exude love and spiritual attraction. Ask the Lord to use them to win the souls of young people. May their lives become role models for young people; make young people willing to Follow Christ.


Pray for the church’s weekly staff, asking the Holy Spirit to fill every gathering and deepen each brother and sister’s love for the Lord and their desire to draw closer to God. Pray for those serving every Sunday, including the service leaders, worship leaders, pianists, prayer ministers, worship team, and sound technicians. Ask God to grant them wisdom and strategies, so that through their worship, all attendees may experience God’s presence.
