Bread of Life Christian Church in Portland

Location: Portland, Oregon
Pastor: Reverend Alpha Hwong
Year started: 2005
Church Website

In June 2005 Pastor Alpha Hwong and his wife, who were serving in River of Life at the time, relocated to Portland, near the city of Vancouver. There a group of brothers and sisters were longing to experience God’s healing and renewal. Working diligently together with the brothers and sisters, Bread of Life Christian Church in Portland was officially established in September of the same year. The church has experienced stable growth and the number of people increased steadily. Because they had time restrictions in the place where they rented for Sunday worship, causing many difficulties in the expansion of the ministry, therefore the brothers and sisters prayed with one heart to seek God’s will for a new meeting place. Later the place they rented for church was also not suitable for the long term because of the numerical growth of the members. So the brothers and sisters prayed with all their heart for God’s will. In August 2014, God granted them a new church building. Their ministry includes 1. Caring for newcomers to the church and providing all kinds of substantial help. 2. Prayer and counseling for healing for those who are physically and mentally ill. 3. Christian prenuptial negotiation and general marriage counseling. 4. Provide a variety of Bible and spiritual equipping courses. 5. Provide the charitable fund of the church to help church members who are in serious financial difficulties. 6. The Church's monthly publication "The Way of Grace" to share the gospel testimony. 7. The Five Bread and Two Fish Food Center offers a variety of well-prepared home-cooked food every Sunday. 8. Life lectures on practical topics in the Life Square on Saturday. 9. Practical life lecture on computer use and maintenance on Sunday afternoon. 10. Rich group activities and evangelistic outreach activities in various areas of Greater Portland. In addition to strengthening the growth of cell groups, they also actively support mission organizations and participate in short-term missions and community service. Every month they visit the Senior Center.  In 2024, as more young people join, the church is expected to hire youth pastors and develop youth ministries to win this generation of young people for the Lord. At the same time, we also hope to update the church’s worship center and audio-visual equipment, so as to welcome more brothers and sisters to join the church.

2005年六月原在本堂服事的黃瑞發牧師與師母搬遷至靠近波特蘭的Vancouver市。有一群弟兄姊妹渴望經歷神的醫治與更新,於是在他們和弟兄姊妹的同心努力下,波特蘭靈糧堂正式於同年九月份成立,教會在穩定中成長,人數也漸漸增多,因當時租借的主日崇拜場地、時間受到限制,在事工的推展上產生許多的困難,弟兄姐妹們於是齊心禱告來尋求神對新場地的心意。後來所租的一處教會場地,也因會眾人數的成長與租約的關係,無法長期使用,於是弟兄姐妹們極力尋求神的心意,2014年八月神恩典賜給他們一處新堂。他們的事工包括一、 愛心關懷新來教會的人,提供各樣實質的幫助。二、 為身心有病痛的人做醫治的禱告和輔導。三、 基督徒婚前協談與一般婚姻輔導。四、 提供各樣聖經與屬靈裝備課程。五、 提供教會的慈惠基金幫助經濟上遭遇重大急難的教會會友。六、 教會按月出刊的『恩典之路』分享福音見證。七、 五餅二魚美食中心每個主日推出多樣精心調製的家常美食。八、 週六生活廣場實用題材的生活講座。九、 主日下午的電腦使用及維修的實用生活講座。十、 豐富的小組活動以及在大波特蘭各區域的福音外展活動。2024年, 教會將因著更多青年的加入,將預計聘任青少年牧者,並且發展青年事工,為主贏得這個世代的年輕人。同時,也希望能進行教會敬拜中心與影音設備更新,藉此能迎接更多的弟兄姊妹加入教會。

partner in prayer:

Pray for the unity of the church, that the love of the Lord may fill the hearts of the brothers and sisters, helping us to love one another. May we see each other according to the measure of faith that the Lord has given, appreciating one another and being willing to support each other. May the truth of the Lord dwell in the hearts of all believers, with our lives becoming testimonies that inspire one another, and spreading the gospel as our shared mission.

為教會的合一禱告,深願主的愛充滿弟兄姊妹的心 ,叫我們都懂得彼此相愛;更要照着主所分給各人信心的大小,看得合乎中道,叫我們懂得表達欣賞,也樂意彼此扶持;願主的真理常在眾信徒心中,生命的見證成為彼此的激勵,福音的傳揚成為我們的使命。

The church has discovered that heretical believers of The Church of Almighty God have infiltrated the group. We pray that the Lord will give us wisdom and strategies to plug the breach.


We plan to install a TV wall or Laser Projector on the church lobby stage. Please pray that the Lord will preserve the unity of the co-worker team and provide us with the funds we need.

教會大堂舞台計劃安裝 TV wall 或是 Laser Projector,求主保守同工團隊的合一並供應我們所需用的經費。