Bread of Life Christian Church in San Diego  

Location: San Diego, California
Pastor: Reverend Andrew Tsai 
Year started: 1998
Church Website

In response to the need of the gospel in the San Diego area, Pastor Tong Liu established the Bread of Life Christian Church at San Diego in December 1998. In June 2000, Pastor Andrew Tsai received the call to build a glorious church in San Diego, and accepted the invitation from Pastor Tong to become the Senior Pastor of BOLSD. The church hopes that through the 3D’s: Commitment to Christ (Dedication), walk with the Lord (Devotion), and disciples’ training (Discipleship), a glorious church be built up to fulfill the Great Commission entrusted by the Lord. In addition, the church wants to be a church that is filled with love, joy, and life. Therefore, the church focuses on the construction of every believer's life, emphasizing that every believer should be rooted in Christ and have a daily life of devotional Bible reading and prayer. By establishing the happiness groups, they hope that every believer can start with a regular spiritual practice, and through spiritual discipline and share the testimony, become the leader of a happiness group and then expand to a new cell group. They also have a deep burden on mission, every year the church sends out many short-term mission teams to do evangelism and mission work, such as preaching the gospel in Southeast Asia, supporting partner churches, and doing outreach in the community. To build up the brothers and sisters, the church often invites pastors with different gifts or pastors from different ROLCC daughter churches to come to share. In 2024, the church strategy is the happiness group. By promoting the "happiness group" evangelistic strategy, we hope to be used by God to raise up a new wave of evangelism movement in the church world, become the daily life pattern of Christians, and bring about a great revival of the global church!

 1998年12月,劉彤牧師為了聖地牙哥地區的福音需要,正式成立了聖地牙哥靈糧堂。2000年6月蔡恩惠牧師領受在聖地牙哥建造榮耀教會的異象,接受劉彤牧師的差派成為該堂的主任牧師。該堂期望以3D ︰委身基督(Dedication)、與主同行(Devotion)、門徒訓練 (Discipleship) ,來建造一個榮耀神的教會,和完成主所託付的大使命;並要使該堂成為一間充滿愛、喜樂、生命的教會。他們很注重每位信徒生命的建造,強調每位信徒應該紮根於基督,每天有靈修禱告的規律生活。除此以外,他們藉著拓植福音分享的幸福小組做全人培育,幸福小組中得救的人可進入「全人更新營」,參加過更新營的人將直接的參加門徒學校,期望每位信徒能由固定靈修開始,藉著屬靈操練,分享見證,進而成為帶領幸福小組、 拓殖新的細胞小組的領袖。他們對宣教也有很深的負擔,每年都派出多支短宣隊實地作福音宣教。為使弟兄姐妹得裝備,也常邀請在各方面有恩賜或其它分堂的牧長來分享。他們在神的祝福下,於2015年二月購得位在 Miramar Rd.的四層大樓,成為教會聚會的現址。願神使用聖地牙哥靈糧堂為主復興的器皿與傳福音的管道,讓神的復興能臨到聖地牙哥。2024年,教會策略為幸福小組,透過推廣「幸福小組」佈道策略,盼望讓上帝使用來興起教會界新一波傳福音運動,成為基督徒的日常生活模式,帶給全球教會的大復興!

partner in prayer:

Please pray for the church’s happiness group gospel attack in 2024. Currently, we have changed the original happiness group into three stages of groups: happiness gospel group, happy family group, and happiness co-worker group, with cyclic training in one !


Please pray for the church to receive double the anointing this year for breakthrough. May the Holy Spirit be filled more and the church be more united and love each other!


Please pray for the senior pastor Cai Enhui. He is currently recovering from a kidney transplant surgery. The church is conducting a 21-day chain fasting and praying. Pray that God will restore the function of the new kidney. The pastor will rest for half a year. May the Lord protect the co-workers. Everyone performs their duties and is loyal and conscientious so that the church can continue to grow and excel!
