Bread of Life Christian Church in Seattle

Location: Bellevue, Washington
Pastor: Reverend  Jerry Chow
Year started: 1999
Church Website

In 1998, Pastor Tong Liu led a worship team to pass through Seattle and shared with a group of brothers and sisters in Seattle the vision of a glorious church. In September of the same year the first prayer cell group was started in Seattle. In April 1999 the Bread of Life Christian Church in Seattle was formally established and began Sunday worship. They commit to the Bible as the foundation, depending on the leading of the Holy Spirit to preach the whole gospel to the whole person. In recent years, they have been more actively pursuing mission and church planting work. In addition to helping many poor students who are not able to go to school in Asia, they support several missionaries in Cambodia, who are leading the people there to know the true God and in 2000 established the Bread of Life church in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The church started cell groups on both sides of the Mekong River and expanded the discipleship of believers. They have brought the dedicated annual donation of Children's Sunday School "Send Love to Cambodia" to local children, and have also held VBS English Summer Camp for local students since 2016. In addition, since 2015, the Bread of Life Church in Seattle has sent a short-term missionary team every year to cooperate with Taiwanese villagers. Their purpose is to spread the gospel throughout the Taiwanese countryside and gain disciples for the Lord. In 2019, the Lord led Pastor Chow's family to the Bread of Life Church in Seattle, serving as the senior pastor, dedicated to seeing the life of Chinese believers turned over and completing the Great Commission, from Seattle to the ends of the world, from now until the Lord's return. Coming through two years of the coronavirus pandemic, in 2022, under the theme of Re-Dream, Faith-Up, the ministry is focused on developing small group leaders in the church, equipping pastors and college campus workers, while making financial wise decision to expand their facility. In 2024, the ministry will focus on being a disciple of the Lord and leading the Lord’s disciples. The church will be active in equipping courses, hoping that through discipleship training, the brothers and sisters in the church can be equipped to lead more people to believe in the Lord. At the same time, the church will also focus on church planting, developing media and youth ministries. We hope that through different ministries, we can continue to spread the gospel to different generations and to all parts of the world.

1998年劉彤牧師帶領敬拜團隊經過西雅圖,與一小群西雅圖的弟兄姊妹分享了建造神榮耀教會的異象。同年9月,六個渴慕聖靈的家庭在西雅圖開始了每週一次的小組聚會。1999年復活節,西雅圖靈糧堂正式成立,並開始主日崇拜。西雅圖靈糧堂定意以聖經為根基、靠聖靈的引導、傳講全人全備的福音,鼓勵弟兄姐妹參與服事,為要成全聖徒,各盡其職,建立基督的身體。同時他們更積極推動宣教及植堂的工作,除了在亞洲地區幫助許多無力進學校的貧窮孩童,更資助幾位在柬埔寨的宣教士,帶領當地的人們認識真神,並於2000年在柬埔寨植堂,成立了柬埔寨金邊靈糧堂,每年都會有短宣隊前往柬埔寨培訓當地同工,也展開門徒的訓練。他們並將兒童主日學每年專款”送愛到柬埔寨”的奉獻帶給當地的孩子,也從2016年開始為當地學生舉行VBS英語夏令營的活動。另外西雅圖靈糧堂自2015年起,每年差派短宣隊與台灣鄉福配搭,他們的目的是將福音遍傳台灣鄉村,為主得著門徒。2019年主帶領周牧師全家來到西雅圖靈糧堂,任主任牧師,致力於看見華人信徒生命翻轉,完成大使命,從西雅圖直到世界地極,從今直到主再來。走過兩年的冠狀病毒大流行 ,2022年在重新夢想、信心起行的主題下,事工的重點專注於在教會中培養小組領袖、裝備牧者和大學校園工作人員,同時通過明智的財務決策來擴大他們的設施。感謝神豐盛的恩典,教會已經購買了一個新會堂,位於 Kennydale, Renton。這是他們的第一個產業,願他們在神的帶領下,繼續擴張神的帳幕。2024年,事工將著重在:作主門徒,帶主門徒。教會將會積極在裝備課程上面,希望透過門徒訓練,讓教會的弟兄姊妹都能被裝備,帶領更多人信主。同時,教會也將著重植堂、發展傳媒與青年事工。希望能藉由不同的事工,持續將福音傳到不同世代,傳到世界各地。

partner in prayer:

The seller of the land across from the church offered to let us purchase the parking lot. Allowing us to have a larger venue so more people can come and worship on Sunday.

教會對面土地賣方願意讓我們購買停車場。 讓我們能夠擁有更大的場地,讓更多人在週日能來做禮拜。

This is the first year that the church has promoted discipleship training. Pray for the discipleship training being promoted by the senior pastor, and pray for blessings for the training of the church currently at the stage of district leader and some group leaders. Thank God for giving the church many opportunities to be equipped. I pray that God will bless all brothers and sisters. After receiving preaching training, they can interpret God’s words according to the truth, store what they have learned in their hearts, and apply it in service to become a small group. blessing!

教會受訓祝福禱告。感謝神,讓教會有許多受裝備的機會, 求神賜福眾弟兄姐妹,在接受講道培訓後,按真理分解神的話語,將所學的存在心裡,並且運用在服事中,成為小組的祝福!

Pray that God will expand the lives of church team leaders and co-workers, and be willing to accept the equipment and become conduits of circulation, flowing out God’s riches and blessing more people!
