Bread of Life Christian Church on the Plateau

Location: Plateau, Washington
Pastor: Reverend Andy Yu
Year started: 2004
Church Website

Bread of Life Christian Church on the Plateau was established in 2005, inheriting the vision and mission of the mother church.  In the starting phase of the church, God gave them the verse: “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love.  But the greatest of these is love.” (1 Corinthians 13:13) In these years, they followed God’s lead to plant the church in Plateau, East of Washington Lake at Seattle.  “Spreading the Gospel, planting the spiritual banners” is the goal of the church.  God miraculously gave them a warm small church at the city center of Issaquah in April, 2014.  The location is affordable and can be used full time.  They started their new journey in this small church.  In addition to the original ministries they provided, they started using the internet to spread the gospel by following the vision spoken from a prophet.  At the moment, it has more than tens of thousands of clicks per month.  Starting in December, 2011, they have a Messiah meeting once per month which focuses on praying for Israel, blessing Jews and asking for peace in Jerusalem.  The vision of the church in 2024 is the inheritance of life. Looking back on God’s leadership over the years, we also reaffirm the inheritance responsibility of Seattle Faith, Hope and Love Church. If the church can continue its influence, it must be passed down from generation to generation. This year Pass on the vision, gifts, various God’s blessings and trusts, hoping that the next generation will develop stronger than the previous generation, that the younger generation will have the courage to respond to the Lord, and that the entire church will fight for the Kingdom of God with fiery life.

西雅圖信望愛靈糧堂成立於2004年,在余大器牧師帶領下,承傳了母堂的異象與使命。他們在創堂之初領受了神的話語,林前13:13“如今常存的有信、有望、有愛這三樣,其中最大的是愛。”這些年他們遵照神的帶領,在西雅圖以東華盛頓湖東邊Plateau 一帶辛勤地耕耘,廣傳福音、遍插旌旗是他們教會的目標。2010年4月神奇蹟式的賜他們一個溫馨的小教堂,地點就在Issaquah市區中,是可以全時間使用又負擔得起的地方,他們開始了新的里程碑,在福音宣教上繼續拓展,除了持續原有的事工,也領受先知預言的異象,開始了網路事工,並帶下無心插柳柳成蔭的果效, 每月有超過數萬次的點擊率。2011年12月起他們並開始了彌賽亞事工,每月一次的彌賽亞聚會專門為以色列禱告,為猶太人祝福,為耶路撒冷求平安。2011年6月開始,約翰.雷克牧師(John G. Lake)的國際醫治事工在Issaquah成立;並使用他們教會開放為人禱告,展開了醫治釋放事工,以愛心和信心為主作見證,帶下一個屬靈的連結及聖靈的更新。2024年的教會異象是生命傳承 ,回顧多年來神的帶領,也同時再肯定西雅圖信望愛靈糧堂承傳的責任 ,教會要能夠延續其影響力,便要能一代一代的傳承下去,今年將異象、恩賜、各樣神的祝福及託負傳承下去,期望下一代比上一代要發展得更強健,年輕的下一代能勇於回應主,教會全體帶著火熱生命為神國奮戰。

partner in prayer:

Pray for us to have solid group pastoral care, and ask the Lord to raise up more suitable group leaders and co-workers for us. Please personally select and call the church’s group co-workers, so that they can become Your servants in church service and lead the brothers. Sisters grow and build each other up in love. Ask God Himself to equip them and give them the abilities, gifts, and spiritual wisdom they need to build up other brothers and sisters in the group.


Pray for the young people in the church. Ask the Lord to give our young people a sense of mission, give us more desire in the hearts of the young people, and ask God himself to raise the fire of revival.


Pray for the church’s weekly staff, asking the Holy Spirit to fill every gathering and deepen each brother and sister’s love for the Lord and their desire to draw closer to God. Pray for those serving every Sunday, including the service leaders, worship leaders, pianists, prayer ministers, worship team, and sound technicians. Ask God to grant them wisdom and strategies, so that through their worship, all attendees may experience God’s presence.
