National Director: Rose Amah
No. of Churches: 8
Headquarter: Yaounde, Cameroon
Year Started: 2005


Cameroon is in Central Africa, with the southwest coast of the Atlantic Gulf of Guinea. This place was once a colony of France and Britain. It is the most complex ethnic African country. There are more than 500 ethnic groups in the country and 280 languages, of which 44 ethnic groups are still difficult to spread. Most of them are in remote and backward areas to join the gospel, and because they use different languages, it makes the gospel work of these ethnic groups more difficult. The Christian Church in Yaoundé Cameroon was established in 2000. Rev. Liu Tong met Rev. Rose Amah when hewasvisiting Togo in 2004. With the same vision, Rev. Rose Amah and her church officially joined the family of ROLCC in April of 2005 and became the first daughter Church of ROLCC in Cameroon.Pastor Rose Amah and her family, brothers and sisters are all ministers with great missionary responsibilities. Since 2006, they have successively planted the branch churches in different townships around Cameroon, once there were as many as 12branches. They have a well-gifted children's choir, and they dispatched missionaries to spread the Gospel of the kingdom of God as well. The branch office in Mujaukar also established local charities such as orphanages and medical clinics serving local communities. In February 2018, Pastor Rose Amah suffered a stroke caused by her chronic diabetes. Pastor Tong initially arranged for her to receive treatment and rehab in Taiwan, Chia-Yi Christian Hospital. Later she opted to go to Chicago to be near her sister for treatment. The responsibility of shepherding the churches fell on her daughter Ida, compounding with the civil war that broke out in 2016, several branch churches were severely impacted and forced to be closed. Currently there is only one church remaining in Cameroon. Praise our Lord, pastor Rose has recovered her speech and has returned to Cameroon in April of 2019. Pray for the complete healing of Pastor Rose that all who suffered with her can be comforted. May the Lord raise up more leaders and co-workers, to take on all the ministry of the churches. At the same time, pray for God’s guidance and grace to continue to use this church, expand their realm, remove all obstacles, and become atestimony of God’s power, and a channel of God’s blessings. In 2024, not only will we continue to focus on church planting, but we will also hire a new pastor in Douala. Wehopethat this year we will not only train more staff teams and pastors, but also have more branches to carry out gospel work in Cameroon.

喀麥隆位於中非,西南部濱臨大西洋幾內亞灣,此地曾經是法國和英國的殖民地,是種族最複雜的非洲國家,國內有超過500個種族群體280種語言,其中44個族群至今仍很難傳入福音,他們大多地處偏遠落後地區,又因使用不同的語言,使對這些族群的福音工作難上加難。位於喀麥隆的雅溫得市基督教會成立於2000年,2004年劉牧師拜訪多哥時認識了該堂主任牧師Rev.Rose Amah。2005年4月他們正式加入生命河的大家庭成為喀麥隆第一間生命河靈糧堂分堂。Pastor Rose及其家人、兄弟姐妹都是極有宣教負擔的傳道人,自2006年開始,陸續在喀麥隆的各鄉鎮拓植分堂,曾多達12間。他們擁有深得恩賜的兒童詩班,更派遣宣教士們往各地宣揚神國的福音,位於繆若卡的分堂更設有孤兒院、醫療診所等慈惠機構服事當地的社區。Pastor Rose患有糖尿病,於2018年2月份忽然中風病倒,Pastor Rose選擇到芝加哥復健,讓住附近的妹妹就近照顧,牧養教會的重任交給女兒Ida,再加上2016年開始的內戰,教會受到極大的衝擊,好幾間開拓的教會被迫關閉,目前剩下雅溫得一間教會。Pastor Rose於2019年4月返回雅溫得,開始回到教會服事。感謝主,她的說話能力完全恢復,主醫治Pastor Rose,讓她身體完全恢復。2024年,Pastor Rose不僅已帶領喀麥隆團隊建立了四間分堂,且也在杜阿拉新聘了牧師,希望能夠在今年訓練更多同工團隊與牧者,也期盼能在今年建立第五間分堂,在喀麥隆持續開展福音工作。


  • Pray for the health of pastor rose


  • Pray for the new leaders and pastors that are currently being raised up to serve in churches around the nation


  • Pray for the various trade courses that they provide the community, that this particular avenue of outreach will teach them how to make an independent living and through these classes, shows the love of Christ.
