
National Director: Dr. Richard Kwaku Boadu
No. of Churches: 2
Headquarter: Manzini, Kingdom of Eswatini
Year Started: 2018


The establishment of River of Life Church in eSwatini can be traced back to Botswana. In the beginning of 2017 Pastor Texford, National Director of Ghana, sent Pastor Richard Kwaku Boadu to Botswana to form a daughter church. However, the application process was stalled for many months. Although nearly 80% of the population in Botswana is Christian, the permission to allow a foreign pastor to start a church is extremely difficult, especially a church with charismatic background. Therefore, Pastor Richard went to eSwatini to start a church. eSwatini formally known asSwaziland was declared independent from England in 1968. In 2018, King Mswati III announced that the Kingdom of Swaziland had renamed itself the Kingdom of eSwatini to mark the 50th anniversary of Swazi independence. This is a country ruled by a king, all governance follows traditional beliefs, many traditionalists believe that people's spiritual beliefs originate from the king, and their Christianity is sometimes mixed with traditional beliefs and customs, which is contrary to the way of God. ROLCC in eSwatini was established in early 2018, by the end of 2018 pastor Richard established a hair and clothing training school to train young people to have special skills, and in 2019, he started to establish the Campus Ministry. At present, they have established good news clubs in three high schools and visit the students of these schools twice a month to share the Bible and pray. In May 2019, they rented a church auditorium in Manzini that can accommodate about 100 people. It also has the pastor's office and 2 toilets. Pastor Richard also has a deep missionary burden and they will restructure the youth whomakeupalarge percentage of the congregation to steer them in these directions. During the more than two years of the global epidemic, the church seized the opportunity in the crisis and bravely moved forward in the new season to expand online evangelism. They began broadcasting radio programs on Christian radio stations in April 2020, with praise and worship As well as Bible discussions, their main focus in 2021 is on winning souls through evangelism. In 2024, they established a new branch, Fair View, with up to 160 people meeting every week. Pray that God will continue to fulfill them and realize a new branch and a new pastoral team so that they can continue to spread the gospel in Eswatini. , to achieve more people believing in the Lord.


Region: S Africa
Language: English

史瓦帝尼(eSwatini)生命河靈糧堂的成立,可以追溯是從波茲瓦納(Botswana)開始的。2017年初迦納生命河靈糧堂Texford 牧師差派Richard牧師到波茲瓦納開始植堂的工作,但是申請成立教會的文件,遲遲沒有批准,雖然波茲瓦納將近80%人口是基督徒,可是外國人申請成立教會,不容易被批准,因此Richard牧師轉往史瓦帝尼開創教會。史瓦帝尼原名史瓦濟蘭(Swaziland),1968年脫離英國獨立,2018年更名為更具歷史意義的史瓦帝尼王國,作為慶祝獨立五十週年紀念。這是一個由國王統治的國家,所有治理方式遵循傳統信仰,許多傳統主義者認為人的精神信仰源於君王,他們的基督教有時與傳統的信仰和習俗混雜在一起,這與神的道背道而馳。因此Richard牧師於2018年春天成立了史瓦帝尼生命河靈糧堂,他在2018年底成立髮型與服飾訓練學校,培育青少年擁有一技之長,2019年隨即又著手建立生命河校園事工,目前他們已在三所高中成立好消息俱樂部,並每月訪問兩次這些學校中的年輕學生,以分享聖經與禱告。2019年5月他們在曼齊尼租用了可容納約100人的教會禮堂,它還設有牧師的辦公室和2個洗手間,本堂牧師到訪時就是在這裡進行主持和宣講的。Richard牧師對宣教也有很深的負擔,他們將重組在會眾中佔大比例的青年,以引導他們朝著這些方向前進。在兩年多的全球疫情中,教會抓住危機當中的機會,在新季節中勇敢向前,拓展網上福音宣教,他們從2020年4月開始在基督教廣播電台播放廣播節目,有讚美和崇拜以及聖經討論,2024年他們新增建了FairViewBranch分堂,每週並有高達160個人聚會,求神持續帶領他們,並且帶領的新分堂與新的牧者團隊,讓他們能持續在史瓦帝尼傳福音,帶領更多人信主。

PRAY WITH eswatini

  • Pray that the Word of God richly dwells in the hearts of the members


  • Pray for a spirit of commitment to increase in member and for members to be stablilized in the church


  • Pray for peace in the country
