Galilee South Community Church

Location: Littleton, Colorado
Pastor: Reverend Paul Chen
Year started: 2009
Church Website

In the large River of Life Christian Church family, Galilee South Community Church became an affiliated church in 2009. The original senior pastor of the church was John Kuo, who received his call in 1996 to establish the church in Denver, Colorado. There was great agreement with the vision of Galilee South, and willingness to work with one heart, hand-in-hand to build God's glorious church. In August 2009, Galilee South formally joined the River of Life Church family. Under their leadership, the church steadily grew. After Pastor Kuo returned to serve in Taiwan, Pastor TaiChin Li and colleagues continued to lead the church in the steps God directed. These included establishing unity and growth of cell groups, which included elderly, young adults, youth, families, children's groups and others, including more than 10 cell groups in total. They hope that with the core value of "deep love for the Lord" they will grow and multiply, building up the brothers, sisters, and coworkers in Christ. In 2016, Pastor Paul Chen took over and continued the shepherding of the church, with rooting and building, strong faith, and the flow of gratitude as the orientation, developing from left to right. They also have a deep burden for missionary church planting, and at the same time, they also have a vision to evangelize the Greater Boulder area. After continuous prayer and small group ministry, the number of people joining GSCC from the northern Denver area has increased over time, in the blessing of God under his leadership, the branch church Boulder Jedidiah Bread of Life Church was established in 2016, with a congregation of more than 30 people. However, due to the epidemic in 2020, physical gatherings were suspended, and Boulder Jedidiah Bread of Life Church became a satellite campus. After more than two years of the global epidemic, the church continues to move forward bravely in the new season. The theme of 2023 is: Life maturing, Gospel living. At the same time, the church also announced a new plan for Christian Life Building. Their vision is to build a church that honors God, to worship the Triune God in spirit and truth, and to live out the mission of loving God and others. The theme of 2024 is: Renewal of the whole person in the Lord and entering abundant life. At the same time, the church also announced a new life-building plan. May the Holy Spirit renew the lives of our brothers and sisters from the inside out, causing them to become more like Christ and discover the richness of connection with our Savior Jesus.

在生命河的大家庭中,加利利靈糧堂是2009年加入的一間分堂,原該教會主任牧師 – 郭牧師1996年蒙神的呼召,在科羅拉多州的丹佛市 Denver 成立了Galilee South Community Church,他對靈糧堂的異象非常認同,願同心攜手共建神榮耀的教會,在2009年八月正式加入生命河的大家庭。教會在他們帶領下穩定成長,郭牧師回臺灣服事後,由李泰青牧師與同工們帶領教會向著神的托負邁進,堅定小組的聯接和成長,有長者、青年、青少年、家庭及兒童等牧區及十多個小組,他們在「火熱愛主」的核心價值中成長倍增,積極建立弟兄姐妹和同工。2016年由Paul Chen牧師接任繼續牧養教會,以生根建造,信心堅固,感恩湧流為導向,向左向右開展。他們對宣教植堂也有很深的負擔,同時也有向大波德區傳福音的異象,經過不斷的祈禱和小組事工,從丹佛北部地區加入GSCC的人數隨著時間而增加,在神的祝福與帶領下,分堂波德耶底底亞靈糧堂於2016年成立,會眾達到30多人。2024年的主題是: 主裡全人更新, 進入豐盛生命,同時教會也宣布全新的生命建造計劃。願聖靈從裡到外更新弟兄姊妹的生命,使他們變得更像基督,並探索與救主耶穌連結的豐盛內涵。

partner in prayer:

May the Lord be gracious to His church, and may this year’s theme “Renewing the Whole Person in the Lord and Entering Abundant Life” be implemented more in the Galilee Bread of Life Church. More lives are renewed in the Lord, family relationships are healed, and more of the Lord’s richness is experienced.

求主恩待祂的教會, 願今年的主題 "主裡全人更新, 進入豐盛生命“  更多落實在加利利靈糧堂中間。更多的生命在主裡被更新, 家庭關係得醫治, 更多經歷主的豐盛 。

Pray that the Lord will prepare to call more brothers and sisters who are willing to be equipped to become small group leaders, spread the gospel widely, and bless the community.

求主預備呼召更多的弟兄姊妹願意受裝備成為小組長, 福音廣傳,祝福社區。

The senior pastor of Bread of Life Church in Galilee will have six weeks of rest this summer. Please pray for the senior pastor’s rest, so that the pastor can regain strength during his rest and receive the anointing vision to move forward.

加利利靈糧堂主任牧師今年夏天有六周的安息, 為主任牧師的休息代禱,讓牧師在安息中重新得力得著恩膏異象繼續向前。