National Director: Pastor Texford
No. of Churches: 21
Headquarter: Accra, Ghana
Year Started: 2004


Ghana was originally a British colony. After independence, the increasingly prosperous economic and democratic political system made it a regional power in West Africa. There are about 30 million people in Ghana, covering various ethnic, linguistic and religious groups. Christians account for 70% of the population. In 2003, before joining the ROLCC family, Rev. Texford, now the senior pastor of ROLLC in Ghana, was visiting the Bay Area and came to ROLCC to attend the Sunday sermon. Afterward, ROLCC sent a short-term mission team to Ghana to visit Rev. Texford and his church in early 2004. They witnessed this church as a church full of love, although they did not have their own church building at that time, and they lacked many material needs, however the congregation, including the pastor, coworkers and fellows together built their church and spread the gospel. Therefore, in March 2004, ROLCC officially accepted Rev. Texford’s church as a daughter church. Currently, including the main worship place in the capital, Accra, they planted 18 branches throughout Ghana, and established schools for people in need. They actively spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to unidentified people in Ghana, Africa, and through the training of workers and the testimonies of congregation, they have extended the gospel and the church. Their vision is to spread the gospel to neighboring countries, and in 2020 they officially sent Rev. Kwarko to Mozambique, East Africa, to establish a branch. In this season full of difficulties and challenges, believe that God will prepare the way for his return. Just in 2024, they established the 21st branch church and sent Pastor Richard Kwasi Harrison to lead it. Thank the Lord, the Ghana branch currently has up to 1,700 people gathering every Sunday. We praise God that in 2023, the new headquarter of Ghana, the Rehoboth Cathedral, was built and finished.


Region: West Africa
Language: English

迦納原是英屬殖民地,獨立後日益繁榮的經濟和民主政治 體系使其成為西非的區域大國,迦納約有三千萬人,涵蓋 各種種族,語言和宗教團體,基督教徒佔人口的百分之七十。在加入生命河的大家庭之前,現今迦納生命河靈糧堂 的主任牧師Rev. Texford 已於2003年拜訪灣區時,來到生命 河參加主日崇拜,並認同生命河靈糧堂的異象與使命。生命河於2004年初差派了一個短宣隊到迦納拜訪Rev.Texford 和他的教會,親自見證這個教會是一個充滿愛的教會,雖然當時他們沒有自己的教會建築,物質上也有很多需要,但是牧者和同工及會友卻同心建造,興旺福音。生命河於2004年3月正式接納Rev. Texford 的教會成為分堂。目前他們在首都Accra及周邊地區,共拓植了18間分堂,並成立了學校,積極傳揚耶穌基督的福音給非洲迦納的未識之民,也藉著工人的訓練及會友的見証來擴展教會,他們的異象是將福音廣傳鄰邦,並於2020年正式差派Rev. Kwarko到東非莫桑比克建立分堂。在這次充滿艱難及挑戰的季節,相信神為他的再來預備道路。就在2024年,他們成立了第 21間分堂,並差派Richard Kwasi Harrison牧師來帶領。感謝主,目前迦納分堂,每週日有高達1700人聚會,大家在2024年欣喜地見證了迦納教會的聚會人數達到了新的高峰,是一個令人鼓舞的里程碑。求神不斷保守迦納,讓他們持續增長!感謝讚美上帝恩,2024年,加纳的新總部—利河伯大教堂建成並完工。


  • We pray that every member will be deeply rooted and grounded in Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit, and that the knowledge of God will fill His church


  • We pray that our young adults will continue to take up leadership roles and lead by example following the vision of River of Life Christian Church


  • We pray that God will grant us the grace to identify and develop new skills to enhance personal and church growth
