Great Commission Christian Church

Location: Richmond, California
Pastor: Reverend Joannie Chiu
Year started: 2001
Church Website

In April 1993 Northern California Berkeley, Great Commission Christian Church (GCCC) was founded by Pastor Joseph Tien along with a dozen young people with the vision of building a church focused on the presence of God in the last generations. Started with the English-speaking congregation, later due to the great needs of the gospel, GCCC began the Chinese mandarin-speaking Sunday worship service in the fall of 1997. On January 1, 2001 they officially joined the River of Life Christian Church family as one of ROLCC’s branch churches. The Great Commandment, Great Commission and the return of Christ is their vision; building a glorious church for the glorious King's return is their mission. They focus on brothers and sisters’ spiritual growth. In addition to prayer, cell group, reading the Word, devotion, and equipping classes, they also put great emphasis on next generation ministry. They have weekly children Sunday service, and youth/children Sunday school. They are also actively involved in mission, while supporting multiple local and oversea mission organizations for many years, they continue to serve the community with their whole heart. Since 2010 January, Pastor Joseph and other East Bay Area pastors started a joint praying meeting every Thursday night, building the foundation for united prayer between brothers and sisters in the churches. In October the same year, he established the East Bay Minister Renewal Fellowship for local Chinese pastors, giving them time to communicate, pray and equip each other. Through the fellowship and prayer events among these churches, it also brought unity among these local churches. In 2012 September, they moved into a new and more ideal location, expanding the ministry furthermore. Pastor Joseph retired in 2018, and church ministry continues to be led by preacher Joannie Chiu, and pastor Joseph moved on and actively involved into global ministries and expanded God's kingdom. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, they have moved their weekly gatherings and Sunday services online. In July 2021, they held the first outdoor barbecue event since the epidemic to re-establish physical contact with church brothers and sisters. But because the rented meeting place has been taken back by the landlord, after praying with one heart, they plan to still focus on online gatherings. At the same time, they feel that the Lord is leading them into a new season, a season without space and time constraints. Beginning in August 2021, the Great Commission Bread of Life Church has been transformed into a Kingdom Service Center, led by Pastor Tian. Transform from a local church to a kingdom ministry center. His vision is: to equip the people of the kingdom of God, enter the seven mountains of society, and bring out the transformation of the kingdom. May God lead them to break through and renew in this new season, experience God’s power together, see God’s deeds, and gain God’s abundance.

1993年4月在北加州Berkeley地區開始的大使命基督教會,是由田識恩牧師與十多位年輕人,本著在此末後世代建立一個合神心意的教會的異象而成立的。原本是說英語的會眾,後因福音禾場的廣大需要,於1997年秋天開始有華語的主日敬拜聚會。2001年1月1日他們正式加入生命河靈糧堂大家庭,成為分堂。大誡命、大使命、與基督的再來是他們的異象;建立榮耀教會為迎接榮耀君王的再來是他們的使命。他們很注重弟兄姐妹們的靈命成長,除了禱告會、小組、讀經、靈修、上裝備課程外,他們對下一代的教育也十分重視,每週日有青少年及兒童聚會敬拜,和主日學。對宣教他們也積極投入,常年支持本地及國外的多個宣教機構,對社區的服事也不疏忽。自2010年開始,田牧師與其他東灣地區教會的牧長們每週四晚上舉行聯合禱告會,開始建立眾教會弟兄姐妹們同心禱告的基礎,同年十月,又成立東灣牧者更新團契,使當地牧者們有彼此交流、禱告和裝備的時間,並藉著聯結、交通和同心禱告,帶出地區性教會的合一。2012年9月份,他們搬到一間理想的新會堂作為聚會之處,使得事工更加擴展。2018年田牧師榮休,教會事工由趙安穎傳道繼續帶領,田牧師轉向全球化事工,積極向左右開展,繼續擴張神的帳幕。自2020年3月新冠病毒大流行發生後,他們已將每週聚會和周日服務轉移到網上。2021年7月他們舉辦了疫情以來第一次的戶外燒烤活動,與教會弟兄姐妹重新建立實體聯繫。但因為租借的聚會場所已被房東收回,同心禱告後他們計畫仍然以網上聚會為主,與此同時他們感覺到主正在帶領他們步入新的季節,一個沒有空間和時間限制的季節。2021年8月開始,大使命靈糧堂已經轉型為國度事奉中心,由田識恩牧師帶領,從一個地方教會轉化成一個國度事奉中心。他的異象是: 裝備神國百姓,進入社會七山,帶出國度轉化。願神在這個新的季節裡,帶領他們突破與更新,一同經歷神的大能,看到神的作為,得著神的豐盛。

partner in prayer:

Please pray for the Great Commission Christian Church that the Lord’s love will fill the church and every family, so that the lives of brothers and sisters will be changed and renewed by God’s love, and bring more souls to believe in Jesus.


May God bless all cell groups so that brothers and sisters could experience God and know God Himself more through the cell groups. Pray that through the cell group ministries, brothers and sisters could bring all the difficulties and challenges in life to God, and experience God's faithful grace together through each cell group.


Please intercede for the transformation process at Great Commission Bread of Life. Pray that Pastor Tian will be filled with God's presence and grace in building a core team of co-workers at this stage, as well as connecting, forming alliances and partners for kingdom work!
