National Director: Antonio Olofe
No. of Churches: 21
Headquarter: Quinhamel, Guinea Bissau
Year Started: 2014


Guinea-Bissau is in West Africa, bordering Senegal on the north, Guinea on the south and east, and the Atlantic on the west. The population is about 1.6 million. In order to be distinguished from Guinea, the capital name, Bissau, was added to the country name. Independent from Portugal in 1974, 14% of the population speaks Portuguese, 44% speak Portuguese-based Crioulo language, and the rest are native Aboriginal languages. Guinea-Bissau was once referred to as the slave coast because during the 16th and the 17th centuries it was the place predominantly exported African slaves to Europe and the Western Hemisphere. Once it was one of the ten poorest countries in the world. Under the auspices of the IMF and the World Bank, Guinea-Bissau has successively implemented several economic reform measures and Guinea-Bissau economy has improved gradually. Budget deficits are shrinking, commodities are richer than before, and the economy is coming out of the trough. Page 2 | 4The local ROLLCC branch church, which has been established in the country for many years, was introduced to Rev. Liu by the pastor of the ROLCC in Senegal. In August 2014 they decided to join the Great Family of ROLCC and became ROLCC’s first daughter church in Guinea-Bissau. Over the years, under the leadership of Pastor Antonio, 10 branch churches have been established in Guinea-Bissau. After experiencing the global epidemic for more than two years, they have resumed physical gatherings. By 2024, they have established 13 branches. May the Lord continue to protect and lead the various ministries of the Guinea-Bissau branch, serve the local people, and bear witness to God’s deeds and God’s glory.


Region: West Africa
Language: Portuguese



  • Pray for THE government to have peace and understanding between political parties


  • Pray for new believers to have firmness in their faith. pray continuously for the salvation of lost souls


  • pray for the church in Quinhamel's church building to be physically restored from damage by high winds
