Harvest Church of Brooklyn

Location: Brooklyn,New York
Pastor: Reverend Yuxiong Chen
Year started: 2002

Inspired by the Holy Spirit, Pastor Xiao Mudao of New York Harvest Spiritual Bread Church established the New Jersey Harvest Spiritual Bread Church across the river, and Pastor Huang Zuzhuang was responsible for carrying out community evangelism ministry. After years of hard work, New Jersey Harvest Bread Church has grown steadily and has become an important part of the community. On Easter 2022, the Brooklyn Harvest Spiritual Bread Church was established, headed by Pastor Chen Yuxiong and his wife Yin Shiying. In 2024, we will focus on equipment training for various ministries, hoping to train a team of co-workers to spread the gospel together!


partner in prayer:

Pray for equipping courses for all believers in the church, and thank God for giving the church many opportunities to be equipped. May God bless all brothers and sisters to accept the church’s preaching training, interpret God’s words according to the truth, store what they have learned in their hearts, and apply it in service, so that they can become a blessing to the group! Pray that God will expand the lives of church team leaders and co-workers, and be willing to accept the equipment and become conduits of circulation, flowing out God’s riches and blessing more people!


Pray for the new preacher, Pastor Wu Ruth, and ask God to give wisdom, strategy, talent, and intelligence to Pastor Wu, so that he can make the best planning and leadership, and be filled with the presence of the Lord. May the Lord’s faith in Pastor Wu expand his spiritual capacity, allow the Holy Spirit to spread in all directions, and expand the tabernacle of God. May the Lord protect Pastor Wu and rest in the Lord in the midst of his busy service.


Please pray for the management and pastoral work of the church, and ask God to grant prayers to pastoral staff, deacons, Sunday school teachers, fellowship members, and brothers and sisters in various ministry positions. I hope that all members can use the gifts, health and wisdom given by God to manage and build the house of God; so that the spiritual lives of all brothers and sisters can grow further.

請為教會的管理和牧養工作祈禱, 求神賜給教牧同工、執長、主日學老師、團契成員和正在各事奉崗位的弟兄姊妹祈禱。 希望衆肢體能發揮神所賜的恩賜、健康和智慧, 去管理和建立神的家; 使眾弟兄姊妹的屬靈生命得到更大長進。