Harvest Church of New Jersey

Location: New Jersey, New Jersey
Pastor: Reverend Joe Wong
Year started: 2007
Church Website

Harvest Church of New Jersey is located across the Hudson River from Manhattan in Jersey City. It is a city with a combination of old and new communities. In recent years, new developments have drawn in many companies and populations. Many young Chinese families moved into the Newport area, creating a new mission field. In the fall of 2007, a group of Christian gathered together to pray for the gospel to be spread. Pastor Mudao Xiao of Harvest Church of New York heard the “Macedonian Call” in spirit, and planted a new church in Jersey City, pastored by Pastor Joe Wong. Through years of hard work, they have been steadily growing and became an important part of the community. The church has a great pastoral team that shepherds the congregation and leads them to serve God. They also actively participate in the work of the gospel with other churches, and strive to transform the community and the city. In their opening ceremony, Pastor Tong of River of Life Christian Church talked about the timing of the establishment of both Harvest Church of New Jersey and New York. He said that it is no coincidence that both churches were established during the economic downturn and the time of panic. In fact, spiritual revivals often occur in times of economic recession. In the eyes of unbelieving people, recession may cause a crisis, but it is a time of opportunity for the church to plant seeds and harvest. Their church planting continues, Brooklyn Harvest Church was established on Easter 2022, led by Pastor Chen and his wife Yin. The important ministry of the church in 2024 will focus on campus evangelism and missionary church planting. Due to the post-epidemic gap, it is difficult to re-enter campuses. In addition to strengthening urban evangelism, we still need to return to campus to preach the gospel more effectively. The purpose is not only to gain young people, but also to multiply the leaders of the kingdom of God. Young people who begin to walk with God and experience God can not only begin to change their environment on campus, but when they step out of campus and enter society, they can also begin to enter every part of society with their strengthened faith. A link that brings influence and revival. At the same time, it is also emphasized that the ultimate goal of missionary work is church planting, and church planting is for the transformation of the missionary field. Only when we go into missionary work in regions and countries with different cultures and help local people establish local churches can the gospel truly spread its influence.

新澤西豐收靈糧堂位於與曼哈頓隔水相望的澤西市(Jersey City),那裏是一個新舊交融的社區,近年來發展迅速,愈來愈多的年輕華裔家庭遷入該地居住,形成福音新禾場。2007年秋,一群基督徒在澤西市為了福音的需要,迫切呼求禱告,紐約豐收靈糧堂蕭慕道牧師透過聖靈感動,跨河建立新澤西豐收靈糧堂,由黃祖莊牧師負責開展社區福音事工。經過多年的辛苦耕耘,新澤西豐收靈糧堂穩步成長並已成為社區中重要的組成部分。現在,教牧同工團隊成型,弟兄姊妹靈命更加成熟並紛紛委身事奉,同時積極參與衆教會的聯合福音事工,一同深入社區廣傳福音轉化城市。生命河劉彤牧師在開堂典禮中曾表示,紐約豐收、新澤西豐收靈糧堂都是在經濟凋敝、人心惶惶的時期成立,「這不是巧合,事實上屬靈的復興往往發生在經濟衰退的時代。」2017年十周年時劉彤牧師發表「未來十年更加精采」的新異象,他們就開始積極培訓新同工,為每年更精采的蒙福努力。為了延伸校園事工進入宣教,目前已有北京、上海、深圳、河南四個WeChat群,繼續牧養回國的學生,期盼今日的學生能成為明天的宣教團隊。自2020年疫情以來,原校園事工因校園關閉,留學生也無法取得簽證,2021年5月最後一批學生畢業後,全力轉進社區福音,朝小型衛星聚會所方式拓展,讓弟兄姊妹生命的長進得到操練與印證。同時疫情中也加入了幾個家庭會眾,並有三個家庭相繼迎來第二代兒女的祝福,因此興起了兒童事工的共識。在此疫情重災區,教會弟兄姊妹領受了神豐富的供應與祝福,不但無一人染疫,也無一人因此失去工作,反而都能往大公司高職位移轉,弟兄姊妹一起見證了神的恩典。2022年復活節更成立了布魯克林豐收靈糧堂,由陳育雄牧師及師母尹世英負責。2024年教會重要事工著重在校園佈道與宣教植堂。因疫後斷層,要重新進入校園有難度,除了加強城市福音,仍然需要更加得力的回到校園傳福音,目的不只是要得著年輕人,更是要倍增神國度的領袖。開始與神同行和經歷神的的年輕人不只在校園裡可以開始改變他們的環境,當他們踏出校園,進入社會後,更可以帶著他們已被堅固的的信心,開始進入到社會的每個環節,帶來影響和復興。同時也著重於,宣教最終的目的是植堂,而植堂是為了宣教禾場的轉化。當進到不同文化的地區和國家宣教,幫助當地人建立當地人的教會時,福音才能真正的擴散影響力。

partner in prayer:

Please pray for the church to expand church planting in JSQ, Harrison, Fort Lee, Livingston and other areas. Ask the Lord to open the way, raise up co-workers, and move brothers and sisters to be willing to open their families and receive blessings.

請為教會能在 JSQ、Harrison、Fort Lee、Livingston等地區拓組植堂代禱,求主開路、興起同工,感動弟兄姊妹願意開放家庭,領受祝福。

Please pray for the student evangelism ministry of New Jersey Harvest Bread Church. Ask the Lord to personally gather Christians on campus and encourage them to bless the campus with prayers and actions. Let the new student evangelism ministry build campus altars, transform the campus with the love of Christ, and practice the Great Commission.


90% of the church are young people in the technology industry, and there is great pressure in the workplace. After 16 years of campus research ministry, the young people left behind are starting to have families. They buy houses in good school districts, and the farther away from the church, the average is 45 to one. Hours' drive away, it is a top priority to expand and plant churches all over the country. Pray that God will personally lead the church and allow the church to expand more groups and branches.
