Harvest Church of New York

Location: New York, New York
Pastor: Reverend Mudao Xiao
Year started: 2001
Church Website

In 2001, Pastor Mudao Xiao and a group of brothers and sisters who were touched by the Holy Spirit and longing for church revival, were deeply moved by the vision of River of Life that Tong Liu shared with them to build a glorious church for God. After praying and seeking the Lord, everyone was in agreement and accepted this vision. At the time, New York was experiencing the difficult aftermath of 911. The economy was collapsing and people’s hearts were panic-stricken and distressed, in dire need of the Lord’s love and peace. Thus, Harvest Church of New York was founded on Oct 28, 2001. Under the leadership of Pastor Xiao, brothers and sisters strive to build a glorious church, renew and transform New York, and bring down God’s presence and the heavenly blessing. Harvest Church of New York holds regular services, prayer meetings, cell group meetings. They have also invested into ministries like mission, media, training and community services. The church spread God’s love through community services, such as youth orchestra, volleyball, Chinese school, cooking class and English language class. Harvest Church of New York values unity and connection among different churches. They have been continuously working to spread the gospel in partnership with churches. In the fall of 2007, Pastor Xiao, inspired by the Holy Spirit, established the Harvest Church of New Jersey across the river, under the responsibility of Pastor Huang. And in 2013, Pastor Xiao was elected as chairman of New York Chinese Christian Coworker Association. Due to the expansion of the church's ministry, the meeting space became insufficient, by the anointing of God's gift of land, they purchased a piece of land in Little Neck in 2013, spanning between Long Island and Queens, near highways and commercial centers with convenient transportation and nearby Chinese Community, is a prime potential gospel field. In 2016, the construction of the worship hall began, and in 2018, it moved into the new church for Christmas gatherings. Currently, there are more than 600 members. In 2024, the second phase of the church expansion project plan will be launched. As the church develops, the number of people increases, and the ministry rises, they hope to build a building with one basement and one and a half floors above ground to provide services for children and teenagers, Chinese and English churches, and Youshi room for development.


豐收靈糧堂除了崇拜、禱告、小組、宣教、媒體及培訓事工外,還推動“睦鄰播愛”社區事工,設立有青少年樂團、排球、中文學校、美食天地、英文班等的服事。豐收靈糧堂看重合一及各教會之間的連結,同心合意為興旺福音而努力。2007年秋,蕭慕道牧師透過聖靈感動,跨河建立新澤西豐收靈糧堂,由黃祖莊牧師負責。蕭慕道牧師更於2013年當選紐約基督教華人同工會主席。 因教會事工擴展,聚會場地狹小,神賜得地為業的恩膏,於2013年購得Little Neck一塊土地,橫跨長島和皇后區,近高速公路和商業中心,交通便捷,鄰近的華人社區,是極具潛力的福音禾場。 2016年動工建造崇拜大堂,2018年聖誕節遷入新堂聚會,目前會友超過600人。願神繼續恩待他們,引導他們,使用他們來帶動地區的復興!2024年,將會啟動教會二期擴建工程計劃,隨著教會發展,人數增多,事工興起,他們希望修建地下室一層,地上一層半的建築,為兒童青少年、中英文堂、優視提供發展的空間。

partner in prayer:

Please pray for the second phase expansion project plan of New York Harvest Bread Church church. The church’s second phase expansion project plan has been launched: As the church develops, the number of people increases, and ministries arise, the original venue is not enough for use. Song En Building was built in 1826, 198 years ago. It has been in disrepair for a long time, the foundation is leaking, and the beams and columns are seriously eaten by termites. The second phase of the project is to demolish Song En Building and build a building with one basement and one and a half floors above ground, with an area of ​​about 11,300 square feet. It provides development space for children and teenagers, Chinese-English classrooms, and Youshi. The total cost is about 3.5 million. Please pray for the second phase of the project.


Registration for the 75th catechumenate baptism class has begun. Pray that God will protect all the participating brothers and sisters to know the Lord more and be filled with the Holy Spirit.

第七十五屆慕道受洗班已經開始報名。 求神保守所有參加的兄弟姐妹,能夠多認識主,並且被聖靈充滿。

Thank you Lord, the New York uchannel has been established for half a year! In the past six months, with God’s grace, everyone’s prayers, and the concerted efforts of the UTV team, the New York UTV channel has grown significantly. Pray that God will continue to protect and lead the entire group to create quality programs to spread the gospel.
