Immanuel Mongolian Christian Church of Alameda

Location: Alameda, California
Pastor: Reverend Odgerel Jugder
Year started: 2016

Immanuel Mongolian Christian Church of Alameda is a Mongolian Christian Church located in Alameda. It was started in 2016. After praying for the new location by the members of Immanuel Mongolian Christian Church of San Francisco, they decided to reach out to Alameda. Finally, through God’s guidance, they decided to establish a branch church here. The board of Immanuel Mongolian Christian Church of San Francisco decided to send a group of missionaries there. 

The first gathering started on April 10, 2016, with 8 members sent by Mongolian Bread of Life Church in San Francisco. In October 2021, Pastor Odgerel Jugder was sent as the senior pastor to lead the church in delivering the grace and love of Jesus to the local Mongolian immigrants. The vision and mission of the church is to “expand the kingdom of God to all peoples through the preaching of the gospel and the testimony of Christ Jesus.”

The church continues to grow because of God's grace. May they continue to lead the Mongolians who immigrated to Alameda to know the Lord Jesus Christ and His salvation, so that it can become their true reliance and hope in life.

阿拉米達蒙古靈糧堂(Immanuel Mongolian Christian Church of Alameda)是位於阿拉米達的一間蒙古教會,成立於2016年4月。最初由舊金山蒙古靈糧堂及其事工委員會在 2016 年為拓展新堂禱告,後來有感動前往阿拉米達市,派遣一批同工前往此城市,最後透過神帶領,決定在此建立分堂。第一次的聚會就從2016年4月10日開始,並從舊金山蒙古靈糧堂差派的8名成員開始。2021年10 月, Odgerel Jugder牧師被差派為主任牧師,帶領教會向當地蒙古移民傳遞耶穌的恩典與愛。教會的願景和使命是「透過傳揚福音和基督耶穌的見證,向萬民擴展上帝的國度」。


partner in prayer:

Pray for the Bay Area Mongolian Church Conference in 2024. Ask the Lord to give the brothers and sisters who attend the gathering a yearning heart, to come to the temple to earnestly seek His face, and to offer wholehearted worship in love. It also allows all Mongolian immigrants who come to the conference to be refreshed and blessed by the Holy Spirit!


Please pray for the management and pastoral work of the church, and ask God to grant prayers to the pastoral staff, deacons, Sunday school teachers, members of the service fellowship, and brothers and sisters in various ministry positions. I hope that all members can use the gifts, health and wisdom given by God to manage and build the house of God; so that the spiritual lives of all brothers and sisters can grow further.

請為教會的管理和牧養工作祈禱, 求神賜給教牧同工、執長、主日學老師、奉奉團契成員和正在各事奉崗位的弟兄姊妹祈禱。 希望衆肢體能發揮神所賜的恩賜、健康和智慧, 去管理和建立神的家; 使眾弟兄姊妹的屬靈生命得到更大長進。

Pray for the youth ministry of the church, and ask God to choose and call intercessors for each youth and children’s service team, so that they can commit themselves to watch and pray for the specific service team entrusted by God. Ask God to protect all youth pastors, co-workers, and children’s pastors, and build a shield of prayer to protect them. We also pray for God to give us wisdom and strategies to adjust our new youth ministry plan. In the name of the Lord Jesus, we declare that a great revival will come to our youth. They will flow into the church, be filled with the Holy Spirit, accept biblical truths, and be equipped by God. Called to be good harvest workers.
