Immanuel Mongolian Christian Church of San Francisco

Location: San Francisco, California
Pastor: Reverend Otgonbaatar Ochir
Year started: 2013

Immanuel Mongolian Christian Church, started in June 2007, is a Mongolian church located in San Francisco, working to preach the gospel to the Mongolian immigrants in the San Francisco Area. They have great respect for Pastor Batbold, the lead pastor of our Mongolian daughter churches. Every time Pastor Batbold came to ROLCC, they would invite him to preach in their church. Pastor Otgonbaatar Ochir, the lead pastor of this church, had participated in the pastor prayer conference in our church. He identified with our vision and ministry, and has great respect for Pastor Tong Liu. In August 2013, the church decided to officially join the River of Life family, and became our third Mongolian daughter church in the United States, along with Mongolian Christian Church in LA and Antioch Mongolian Church. They also established a branch in Alameda, and Odgerel Jugder is now the head of the Alameda branch. Before the pandemic, they also planned to set up a branch in the Walnut Creek area to convey the grace and love of Jesus to the local Mongolian immigrants. The church continues to grow due to the grace of God. May they continue to lead the Mongolians who have moved to the Bay Area to know the Lord Jesus Christ and His salvation, so that they will have true support and hope in their lives. May God use them to bring many Mongolian Immigrants living in the Bay Area to know Jesus Christ and receive His salvation. In 2024, they hope to colonize a fifth Mongolian church in Daly City in the Bay Area. Through continuous church colonization, they hope to bless all Mongolians in the Bay Area.

舊金山蒙古靈糧堂(Immanuel Mongolian Christian Church)是位於舊金山的一間蒙古教會,成立於2007年6月,致力於向居住在舊金山地區的蒙古移民傳福音。他們對生命河蒙古分堂的Batbold牧師非常敬重,每次Batbold牧師來到生命河靈糧堂,他們都會邀請他去教會講道。該堂主任牧師Otgonbaatar Ochir牧師也曾來生命河參加牧者聯禱會,對生命河的異象及事工非常認同,對劉彤牧師也十分敬佩。2013年8月,教會決定正式加入生命河靈糧堂的大家庭,成為繼洛杉磯、安提阿蒙古教會後第三間加入生命河的美國蒙古教會。Ochir牧師有感動向蒙古移民作宣教植堂的工作,教會首先在阿拉米達拓植了一間分堂,Odgerel Jugder是該分堂的負責人,疫情前他們也計畫在核桃溪地區建立分堂,向當地蒙古移民傳遞耶穌的恩典與愛。教會因著神的恩典而不斷成長,願他們繼續帶領移居灣區的蒙古人都能認識主耶穌基督及祂的救恩,以成為他們一生真正的依靠和盼望。相信在神的保守和帶領下,他們會繼續成長茁壯,來一同見証神的作為及神的榮耀。2024年,他們希望能再拓殖第五間蒙古教會在灣區的戴利城,透過不斷地拓殖教會,希望能祝福所有在灣區的蒙古人。

partner in prayer:

Please pray for all youth conferences and adult retirement conferences co-organized by Mongolian Food Church in the Bay Area this year. I hope that brothers and sisters will learn to magnify the Lord, seek God’s guidance and help, and experience God’s abundant grace in the conferences. Let the congregation have a clearer understanding of the direction and goals of the church, so that co-workers can work together to promote the gospel and build a healthy church.


Please pray for the church planting, and ask God to guide them to find a suitable location at the right time, find a venue in Daly City, and send pastors and co-workers to complete their missionary church planting work, and continue to expand the kingdom of God. Boundaries, glorify God’s name.


Please pray for the blessing and intercession of the church’s Mongolian gospel outreach ministry in all the Bay Area. There are many Mongolian immigrants living in the community. I hope the church will continue to convey the grace and love of Jesus so that the Mongolian immigrants in the Bay Area can know the Lord Jesus Christ and His salvation.
