Impact Harvest Church

Location: Monrovia, California
Pastor: Reverend Jack Lee
Year started: 2005
Church Website

Impact was originally a cell group started in June 2004 in Pasadena by Jack Lee and Annie Wang.  In September 2005 Pastor Liu Tong, Sr. Pastor of River of Life Christian Church, envisioned the needs for young people to have a different style of church; he then decided to support Impact in becoming a youth church in LA as an “experiment”. Through God's love and grace, Impact is called to minister to this generation in the San Gabriel Valley area. Since 2005, Impact Harvest Church has been sharing Jesus Christ to a multi-cultural generation of high school and college students, young adults and young families.  Although most of them are young people with no professional foundation, lack of financial resources, yet they are fierce with the gospel and rely on the grace of God to expand the kingdom of God. Pastor Lee devoted everything to the training of young leaders, with the goal to win more young generations for the Lord. In the past few years, they have led these young people in Joshua ’s faith, inspiring brothers and sisters to go to nearby communities and business districts and pray for people, evangelize people, and lead people to know the true God. They not only pay attention to the evangelism of young people, but also actively expand the mission in distant places. They have started mission work helping local young people in Taiwan, and in 2014 they have begun church planting in India, there they experienced many miracles, and many souls are saved. By the grace of God, global missions and church planting activities have continued to expand during the COVID-19 pandemic. In recent years, the couple have also devoted themselves to the local youth ministry specializing in drug/alcohol abuse and gang life. In addition to planting churches in the local drug rehabilitation center to preach the gospel, they also plan to build a new rehabilitation/counseling center for drug addicts. In 2024, they will start a new church planting plan and are expected to expand new churches. At the same time, in terms of missionary work, we have also expanded to Japan and Egypt this year, and we also plan to hold a children’s Bible camp to impact the local community.

生命河Impact靈糧堂,原是李仁舜牧師Jack Lee和師母Annie Wang 於2004年開始的青少年小組,後因年輕人數持續成長,李牧師和劉彤牧師討論後,開始了這個青少年為主的實驗性教會。為了在LA地區繼續向年輕人傳福音 (High Schools, Colleges, and Young Adults/Families) 及朝著跨文化宣教的異象前進,於2005年下半年將此小組轉型成為一個屬於年輕人的教會。雖然因為大多是沒有事業基礎的青年人,財力不足,卻心裡對福音火熱,為擴張神的國度而盡力。李牧師和師母將所有的一切投入培訓青年領袖人才,要為主贏得更多年輕的一代。李牧師和師母這幾年來,本著約書亞的信心帶領著這群年輕人,激勵他們,走入附近社區、商業區為人禱告、向人傳福音,帶領人們認識真神。他們不但注重青年人的福音事工,同時也積極擴展遠地的宣教,他們返回台灣宣教幫助當地的年輕人,並且於2014年開始在北印度植堂,在當地經歷許多神蹟奇事及見證靈魂得救,靠著神的恩典全球宣教和植堂活動在新冠肺炎大流行期間仍然繼續進行。近幾年來他們夫婦也投入當地專門幫助毒品/酒精濫用及幫派生活的年輕人事工,除了在當地戒毒所植堂傳福音以外,也計劃為吸毒者建立一個新的康復/諮詢中心。2024年,他們將新開啟植堂計畫,預計能再擴充新堂。同時在宣教方面,今年也擴展到日本和埃及,同時也計畫舉辦兒童聖經營,影響當地社區。

partner in prayer:

Please pray for River of Life Impact Bread of Life Church to find a new venue. I ask for your guidance and wisdom to give River of Life Bread of Life Church in Philadelphia a clear direction to find a suitable venue that can not only meet the actual needs of the congregation, but also become a The base for gospel work and given sufficient resources and support. Also pray that God will move the relevant owners or lessors to reach an agreement smoothly and avoid any obstacles and difficulties in every step of the process of finding a venue.


Pray for the children’s Bible camp at River of Life Impact Bread of Life Church, and protect every child who participates in the camp so that they can have a happy and fulfilling experience in the camp. Give wisdom and love to the camp staff and volunteers so that they can teach the children patiently and lovingly. Open the children’s hearts so that they can open their hearts and accept Your words during the camp, and take root in their hearts to become their lifelong guide.


Please pray for the newly launched ministry of Life River Impact Bread of Life Church, and ask God to bless the gospel outreach ministry, and ask God to lead them to open an effective and spacious door to the gospel.
