Partner highlight : pray for israel

As recent events in Israel continue to intensify, let’s be fervent in our prayers for them!  We’ve collected the prayer requests from our partners in Israel below, join us in partnering through prayer!

Pray with Christian Friends of Israel

Thank God for watching over His covenant Land and People. Thank Him for being a refuge to displaced Israelis over the last year and trust Him to return all the displaced to their homes. “Look, I am with you. I will guard you wherever you go, and I will bring you back into this land, because I won’t leave you until I have done what I have promised you” (Genesis 28:15, CJB).

  • Pray for Israel to encounter God and His way of salvation through His prophets as they engage Him during fall feasts. “Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:12-13, BSB).

  • Pray for a miracle & continued effort to bring the hostages home safe without further complications or threats to those that are still holding onto hope and life in those dark tunnels and places. “Then called I upon the name of the LORD; O LORD, I beseech thee, deliver my soul” (Psalm 116:4, BSB).

  • Intercede for the breaking down of all Islamic terror strongholds. “Making the most of your time, because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:16).

  • Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May they prosper who love you” (Psalm 122:6, NKJV).

 Dear Prayer Partners: Be encouraged: “He rescued us from such deadly peril, and he will rescue us again! The one in whom we have placed our hope will indeed continue to rescue us. And you must add your help by praying for us; for the more people there are praying, the more people there will be to give thanks when their prayer for us is answered.” 2 Corinthians 1:10-11, CJB. May the Lord encounter you in a special way during these appointed times of repentance, restoration, and redemption in union with Messiah.

Pray with Kehilat HaCarmel

David only needed one stone to defeat Goliath. Please pray for accurate hits to take out Hezbollah’s ammunition and weapons, while preserving the lives of the innocent.

  • Pray for the right information to fall into the hands of our army, and for God to protect those who are gathering intelligence.

  • Pray for our government and IDF leadership, for wisdom to make the right decisions.

  • Pray that Hezbollah will be defeated from our air strikes so that we do not have to go in with our ground troops.

  • Pray for God to bless, protect, and strengthen our brothers and sisters in Lebanon, and to free them from Hezbollah.

  • Please pray for peace and a feeling of safety for all our children during this time.

  • Let's pray from Psalm 68:1, “Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered, and let those who hate Him flee before Him.”

Pray with Tree of LIfe Ministries

  • For anointing to express God’s love in a way that draws people in, keeps them captivated, deeply moves their hearts, and helps them to see the value and beauty of the Gospel and Yeshua’s great sacrifice for them

  • For supernatural protection over everyone on the team and those filming with us, our families, and all equipment

  • For grace, power, unity, and wisdom for every single decision and detail, so that the end result will be masterpieces that communicate God’s Word clearly and powerfully

  • For a female presenter for the Hebrew version of these videos we’ll be filming next week, Lord-willing, since the one we had spoken with ultimately can’t do it and we urgently need someone else

隨著最近以色列發生的事件不斷加劇,讓我們迫切地為他們代禱!  我們蒐集了以色列合作宣教機構的代禱事項如下,請與我們一起加入代禱的行列!

Pray with Christian Friends of Israel

感謝上帝看顧祂的聖約土地和人民。感謝他在過去的一年裡成為流離失所的以色列人的避難所,並相信他會讓所有流離失所的人返回家園。 「看哪,我必與你同在,無論你往哪裏去,我必保佑你,領你歸回這地。我總不離棄你,直到我實現了對你所說的話。」(創 28:15,CJB)。

為以色列在今年秋天能更深經歷神與祂的救贖、,能夠透過祂的先知遇見神和祂的救贖之道代禱。 「你們呼求我,向我禱告,我就應允你們。 你們尋求我,若專心尋求我,就必尋見。」(耶利米書 29:12-13,BSB)。

希望奇蹟能出現,並繼續努力將人質安全帶回家,而不會對那些在絕望處仍抱有一絲希望的人造成進一步的威脅。 「那時我便求告耶和華的名說:『耶和華啊,求你救我的靈魂!』」(詩篇 116:4,BSB)。

為摧毀所有伊斯蘭恐怖據點進行代禱。 「要把握時機,因為這時代邪惡。」(弗 5:16)。

為耶路撒冷的平安禱告。 「為耶路撒冷的和平祈禱吧:『願愛你的人繁榮昌盛』」(詩篇 122:6,NKJV)。

親愛的禱告夥伴:請持續抱持希望:「他曾救我們脫離那極大的死亡,現在仍要救我們,並且我們指望他將來還要救我們。 你們以祈禱幫助我們,好叫許多人為我們謝恩,就是為我們因許多人所得的恩。」哥林多後書 1:10-11,CJB。願你在這些與彌賽亞一同悔改、恢復和救贖的時刻,透過這一切經歷神。

Pray with Kehilat HaCarmel








Pray with Tree of LIfe Ministries






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