
National Director: Pastor N
No. of Churches: 4
Headquarter: Astana, Kazakhstan
Year Started: 2009


The Kazakh branch of River of Life Christian Church was established in July 2009. The senior pastor, Pastor N, was born in a Muslim family. After hearing about Jesus and the Gospel in 1993, he felt conflicted in his heart. So he worked hard to search the Koran, the Bible and the historical records of Christianity and Islam. He also prayed to God and asked God to 2reveal the truth of Christ to him. One day, God touched him and moved him so greatly that he committed himself to God's use. He entered the pastoral school in 1999 to be equipped, and became a pastor of the Kazakh congregation of the church in 2003. In 2006, God called him to set up a Kazakh church. After the church grew to more than 20 people, he and three other Kazakh pastors who had the same mindset decided to merge their respective small churches into one church. In 2008, God gave him a vision and asked him to go to the capital to plant a church. That year, he met Pastor Tong Liu and Pastor Batbold (Mongolia ROLCC) and they shared the vision of River of Life Christian Church with him. During the sharing, Pastor N was greatly moved. He prayed with his wife for a year. In June 2009, he decided to join the ROLCC Family and accepted the partnership of starting a church withROLCC. The whole family moved from the original city to the capital and began to plant the church. So far they have established 5 branches in the capital and 4 other cities. In the past ROLCC has sent short-term mission teams to visit the local branches and minster with them for service. Because the previous Kazakh government had adopted a policy of suppressing Protestant Christianity (different from the Eastern Orthodox Church), all branch churches gather in cell groups at home. In January 2022, a democratic new president took office, but the former president is reluctant to hand over power to the new president, so war and bloodshed occured. May God bless their new president and government and lead them to a fair new order. In 2024, the church reorganized their family groups with the hope to attract more friends to join them through regional gatherings. At the same time, the women's conference they held this year also successfully moved five Muslim women to join the church. May God's revival come again and lead Kazakhstan to walk in God's will.


Kazakhstan, officially the Republic of Kazakhstan, is a landlocked country mostly in Central Asia, with a part in Eastern Europe. It borders Russia to the north and west, China to the east, Kyrgyzstan to the southeast, Uzbekistan to the south, and Turkmenistan to the southwest, with a coastline along the Caspian Sea. Its capital is Astana, while the largest city and leading cultural and commercial hub is Almaty. Kazakhstan is the world's ninth-largest country by land area and the largest landlocked country. It has a population of 20 million and one of the lowest population densities in the world, at fewer than 6 people per square kilometre (16 people/sq mi). Ethnic Kazakhs constitute a majority, while ethnic Russians form a significant minority. Officially secular, Kazakhstan is a Muslim-majority country with a sizeable Christian community.

生命河靈糧堂哈薩克分堂成立於2009年7月。主任牧師Pastor N出生於一個回教的家庭,1993年他聽聞耶穌及福音後,感到困惑和矛盾,於是努力的查考可蘭經與聖經及歷史中對基督教與回教的記載,他也跟神禱告,求神把基督的真理啟示給他。有一天神大大的觸摸他,使他大受感動,就委身自己給神使用。於是他在1999年進入教牧學校接受裝備,2003年成為當時教會哈薩克語會眾的牧師。2006年神呼召他出來成立一間哈薩克人的教會,教會成長至20多人後,他與其他3位志同道合的哈薩克族牧者決定將他們各自的小型教會合併成為一間教會。2008年神給他一個異象,要他到首都拓植教會,就在這一年他遇到了前來拜訪的劉彤牧師及生命河蒙古分堂的Batbold牧師,他們分享神給生命河的感動與異象時,Pastor N大受感動。他與他的妻子禱告了一年,於2009年6月決定加入生命河的大家庭,接受生命河的差派,全家由原來的城市搬到首都,開始拓植教會。至今他們已在首都及其他4個城市拓植了4間分堂。生命河過去幾乎每年都差派短宣隊前去拜訪當地各分堂並配搭服事。因為前任哈薩克政府對基督教新教(有別於東正教)一直採打壓的政策,因此各分堂都是在家中以小組的形式聚會。2022年1月民主的新總統上任,但前總統不願把權力交給新總統,因此發生了戰爭和流血事件。願神祝福他們的新總統和新政府,帶領他們建立一個公平的新秩序。並願神繼續祝福PastorN及同工,帶領他們傳福音。2024年,他們也重組了家庭小組,透過地區的家庭團契,希望藉此吸引更多新朋友的加入。同時他們今年舉辦的婦女特會,也成功地讓5名穆斯林婦女被感動,因此加入教會,願神的復興再次臨到﹐帶領哈薩克行走在神的旨意之中。

Pray with Kazakhstan

  • Pray for the manifestation of the power of the Holy Spirit in our ministries. It is difficult to preach to Muslims without the power of the Lord.


  • Pray for our leaders, that the Lord will give them boldness in ministry.


  • Pray for God to strengthen the pastor’s family in strength and faith, that they be refreshed in God’s anointing and word every day. Pray for protection around each family member.

    求神能堅固牧者家人的勇氣和信心,使他們每天都能在神的恩膏和話語中得到更新。 也求神寶血遮蓋牧者每個家庭成員,讓他們受到保護,不被攻擊。