Living Stream Christian Church in San Diego

Location:  Vista, California
Pastor: Reverend Chris Lung
Year started: 2001
Church Website

Living Stream Christian Church in San Diego was planted in October 2001 by Pastor Chris Lung, who was from San Diego Bread of Life Christian Church. They begin meeting for worship in the north San Diego Vista area where there are less Chinese population. The church builds up the body of Christ through the cell church model and by the renewal of the Holy Spirit to manifest God’s glory. The sisters cell group is the longest-running cell group in Living Stream. The group not only helps the sisters experience God’s presence every day and have wisdom to be good wives and mothers, but even more it equips the sisters to be the elite troops in God’s kingdom. Originally the group was for sisters who don’t work during the weekdays, since January 2011, they started a second sisters cell group, this was established for the sisters who work during the week. Both cell groups build up many sisters who know God and love each other. At the same time, the church also started a Saturday cell group for brothers to raise up brothers to take up the destiny God gave to them and be a blessing in their family and workplace. God has given Living Stream a burden for bilingual ministry, this is to allow English speaking members and Chinese speaking members be edified together. They are currently more focused on cultivating the spiritual growth of brothers and sisters and the renewal of the Holy Spirit. May God bless the church and continue to lead and guide their path ahead.

聖地牙哥生命泉靈糧堂2001年10月由龍輔倫牧師從聖地牙哥靈糧堂分植出來,開始在華人教會稀少的北聖地牙哥Vista地區聚會。該教會是以小組教會的模式及聖靈的更新來造就基督的肢體,彰顯神的榮耀。姐妹小組是生命泉設立最久的小組,不只讓姐妹們每天都感受到神的同在, 有智慧作個好妻子, 好母親,更裝備姊妹們成為神國度的精兵,原是以週間不上班的姐妹為主,在2011年第二個姐妹小組開始聚會,這是一個為了上班的姐妹們而設立的小組,這兩個小組同樣造就出很多認識神,彼此相愛的姐妹們。同時也開始一個在週六為了弟兄們設立的小組聚會, 讓弟兄們被興起,肩負起神給他們的命定,成為家庭與職場的祝福。雙語事工也是神放在生命泉中的另一個負擔,為要讓說英語的肢體與說中文的肢體同受造就。教會除了主日的中英文成人敬拜,成人,兒童及青少年主日學外,在週間並有靈修禱告小組,除了弟兄小組,姊妹小組,也有年長弟兄姊妹的長青小組, 青少年小組,並有在教會及在長青組中舉行的禱告會。教會也為了服事社區,設置英語會話班,兒童中文學校,以及不定期舉行的各種社區講座。生命泉重視信徒在每日生活中,依靠聖靈的更新,活出神給每一個基督徒的命定,並積極支持本地及海外的宣教。生命泉支持的宣教事工有在菲律賓的街頭兒童收容中心,在中國的咖啡屋職場宣教,孤兒院,福音戒毒,及在中國,泰國,尼泊爾,及印度的神學生及傳道人培育事工。願神祝福該教會,並繼續引導著他們前面的道路,讓他們的一切服事能見証神的慈愛,彰顯神的榮耀。

partner in prayer:

The current challenge for the church is how to strike a balance between physical gatherings and online gatherings. At the same time, we also need to strengthen and build up existing groups. We also need to further strengthen the core staff group in order to prepare for new leadership in the coming years. Pray that the pastors and core staff will be given the heavenly power and wisdom to lead the church to experience renewal and breakthroughs with one accord.


Please pray for the improvement of the overall faith of the ministry team, and also ask the Lord to inspire more brothers and sisters to join the ministry team and experience the joy and spiritual growth of serving together.


May the Lord bless every family in the church to experience God’s grace and faithfulness, especially pray for families with second and third generation members, so that family members can be more closely connected and love and support each other.
