London River of Life Christian Church of Canada

Location: London, Ontario, Canada
Pastor: Reverend  Jung-Hua Chen
Year started: 2015
Church Website

London River of Life Christian Church of Canada was established in February 2013 by Pastor Chen and his wife; they were sent by Toronto River of Life Christian Church. Before the church started, they had been through a period of praying and waiting on God together. During this period of preparation, and many mountains and valleys, they understood that the church must not only have love, but also the truth of Christ, not only the word of God, but also the spirit of God to run. On June 1, 2015, River of Life Christian Church officially announced the establishment of London River of Life Christian Church of Canada as a daughter church. The church holds on to the vision of building a glorious church, through praise and worship, renewal of the Holy Spirit, cell church, and glocal impact. Our mission is to build a lively church with full gospel and renewal of the Holy Spirit, and to preach the gospel to the same culture and cross-culturally, and to transform cities and nations. As the church gradually grows, it will focus on family ministry in 2024, strengthening and renewing the marriage relationship in the family, the relationship between parents and children, and the ethics of family interaction through teaching, training, discussion, study, practice and counseling. , to revive the family and become the foundation and driving force for the revival of the church. at the same time. This year there will also be one-on-one training courses to train more new preachers to serve, and to open more groups so that more new friends can join the church, and start grouping together to share life and grow together!

加拿大倫敦生命河靈糧堂,是於2013年2月由多倫多生命河靈糧堂差派陳榮華牧師夫婦所拓植,其間歷經籌備、禱告、等候及許多的高山低谷,透過這些經歷,他們明白教會不但要有愛,更要有基督的真理,不但有神的話,更要有神的靈來運行。在2015年6月1日由劉彤牧師宣佈正式成立為分堂! 加拿大倫敦生命河靈糧堂是一個聖靈更新,全備福音,富有生命力的教會。教會持守敬拜讚美、聖靈更新、小組教會、全地轉化的異象,並遵行建立全備福音又富有生命力的教會及跨文化宣教轉化城市及列國的使命。目前教會有主日崇拜聚會,兒童主日學,查經及裝備課程, 雅比斯團契禱告會及小組。他們謹守使徒信經,同時注重聖經與聖靈的平衡發展。他們領受主耶穌的愛,也願意將主耶穌愛的生命分享給周圍的朋友,他們相信神必會將一切環境化為祝福。因為萬事都互相效力,叫愛神的人得益處。隨著教會逐漸成長,2024年將會著重在家庭事工,透過教導、訓練、討論、研習、實作及輔導來堅固並更新家庭中的婚姻關係、父母與子女的關係、家人相處的倫理,使家庭復興,成為教會復興的根基與動力。同時。今年也會有一對一的訓練課程,藉此培訓更多新的傳道出來服事,並且開啟更多小組,讓更多新朋友加入教會,從一起小組,一起分享生命並成長!

partner in prayer:

Please pray for the development of family ministry. Ask God to prepare co-workers who are responsible for family ministry and work together to develop family ministry. Please also pray for every family in the church. Ask God to change the lives of parents so that the next generation can see to the transformation of parents’ lives.


Please pray for the management and pastoral work of the church, and ask God to grant prayers to pastoral staff, deacons, Sunday school teachers, members of the service fellowship, and brothers and sisters in various ministry positions. I hope that all members can use the gifts, health and wisdom given by God to manage and build the house of God; so that the spiritual lives of all brothers and sisters can grow further.

請為教會的管理和牧養工作祈禱, 求神賜給教牧同工、執長、主日學老師、奉奉團契成員和正在各事奉崗位的弟兄姊妹祈禱。 希望衆肢體能發揮神所賜的恩賜、健康和智慧, 去管理和建立神的家; 使眾弟兄姊妹的屬靈生命得到更大長進。

Please continue to pray for suitable preachers, and ask the Lord to raise up more brothers and sisters to serve, and pray for one-to-one preacher training courses. The goal is to build the brothers and sisters through different training courses, Bible reading plans, etc. Spiritual life and service life, become a preacher.
