join a mission trip today!

We are excited to offer mission trip opportunities to members of River of Life Christian Church and the greater Bread of Life Family. Trips are categorized into 4 areas of focus: Ministry, Service, Prayer and Tour. There are also trips that are specifically reserved for youth.

2025 mission opportunities will be published in February 2025. For 2024, We have one remaining opportunity to attend the Love to Africa Mission Trip in December, email for more information.

我們很興奮地能為矽谷生命河靈糧堂和靈糧堂大家庭的成員提供短宣的機會。 旅行分為 4 個重點領域:事工、服事、禱告和聖地旅遊。 還有專門為青少年計畫的短宣隊。

2025 年宣教機會將於 2025 年 2 月發布。2024 年我們還有一次機會參加 12 月的“送愛到非洲”短宣機會,請發送電子郵件至 以了解更多資訊。


Those interested in joining a mission trip must be a born again Christian and part of the greater River of Life/Bread of Life Christian Church family. An application form must be filled out (applying doesn’t guarantee acceptance to a team, please wait to hear back from the team lead) as well as a recommendation letter from a pastor, zone pastor or life group lead.

有興趣參加短宣的人必須是基督徒,並且是矽谷生命河靈糧堂和靈糧堂大家庭的一部分。 必須填寫申請表(申請書並不能保證團隊會被錄取,請等待團隊負責人的回覆)以及牧師、區牧或小組長的推薦信。

In the meantime, please browse previous mission trip videos from 2024 below and visit our journal to read past attendee’s experiences:

同時,請參考以下 2024 年的短宣,並瀏覽我們的期刊,以了解過去參加短宣的經驗: