National Director: Rev. Batbold Lkhamsuren
No. of Churches: 40
Headquarter: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Year Started: 1998


ROLCC started cross-cultural mission ministry in 1996 and Mongolia became the first overseas mission country supported by ROLCC. ROLCC started to support the EHC and the mission 2 | Pageteam to participate in their activities in Mongolia. In 1999, Pastor Liu Tong met young and visionary Pastor Batbold during his trip to Mongolia and decided to accept his church as our first branch in Mongolia "Mongolian Ulaanbaatar Ling Liang Church" (formerly Living Word Christian Church, Amid Ug Christian Church in Mongolian). Since 2003, they have established branch churches in various parts of Mongolia. So far, they have 46 in Mongolia, 4 in the United States, 2 in South Korea, and 1 in Switzerland, with a total number of more than two to three thousand people. It has become the largest church in Mongolia. God keeps them growing. The first phase of the church building project was completed in 2005, but for the growing congregation, the site is gradually becoming insufficient and is now being expanded. Through the church’s website, they broadcast the gospel information and testimony to Mongolians around the world. Their website has the highest click-through rate in the world in Mongolian language. Seeing the need to spread the gospel to Central Asia, they cooperated with the vision of the global transformation of ROLCC to extend the missionary work to Central Asia outside Mongolia and assist nations in Central Asia to open churches. MayGodusesPastor Batbold and the church to be a channel for evangelism to the Mongolians around the world and Central Asia. There will be 57 branch churches in 2024. Pastor Batbold 3 | Pagehas also held many special meetings this year, hoping to ignite the hearts of all Mongolian brothers and sisters and continue to preach the gospel.


Region: Central Asia
Language: Mongolian

生命河靈糧堂1996年開始跨文化宣教事工,蒙古成為生命河支持的第一個海外宣教國家,開始是支持萬國逐家佈道團(EHC)及差派短宣隊參與他們在蒙古的事工。在1999年劉彤牧師於蒙古之行時認識了年輕有異象的Batbold牧師,並決定接受他的教會成為我們在蒙古的第一間分堂「蒙古烏蘭巴特靈糧堂」(原名Living WordChristian Church, 蒙古文翻為AmidUg Christian Church)。2003年起他們開始在蒙古各地建立分堂,至今已有46間在蒙古,4間在美國,2間在南韓,1間在瑞士,總人數超過二、三千人,該堂已成為全蒙古最大的教會,神保守他們不斷的成長。2005年時完成了第一階段建堂工程,但對日益增長的會眾,該場地漸不敷使用,現又在擴建之中。透過教會的網站,他們將福音的信息和見証向全球各地的蒙古人播放,該網站現為全球點擊率最高的蒙語網站。看到福音傳向中亞的需要,他們配合生命河全球轉化的異象,將宣教的事工推展到蒙古以外的中亞地區,協助中亞多國分堂的開辨工作。願神使用Batbold牧師及該堂,使他們成為向全球各地的蒙古人及中亞地區傳福音的管道。2024年已有57間分堂,Batbold牧師也在今年舉辦了許多特會,希望能藉此點燃所有蒙古弟兄姊妹的心,持續傳揚福音。

Pray with MONGOLIA

  • Please join us in praying for Mongolia as they embark on a new building project, aiming to create a sanctuary that seats 1,000 people and serves as a fully equipped Christian center. This expansion is intended to reach and impact the next generation.


  • Pray also for Mongolia’s efforts to train and raise up new leaders from the next generation, equipping them for future ministry.


  • Lastly, please pray for the pastors of Mongolia, especially those serving in rural areas, that they would enjoy good health as they continue their vital ministry.
