Mongolian Christian Church in Los Angeles

Location: Los Angeles, California
Pastor: Reverend Khorloo Tsogt
Year started: 2010
Church Website

Mongolian Christian Church in Los Angeles is one of the United States daughter churches of Amid Ug Christian Church in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The lead pastor, Pastor Tsogt, was the former National Director of Every Home for Christ in Mongolia. He came to the United State for seminary, and participated in pastoring this Mongolian Church. This church later became a daughter church of our daughter church in Ulaanbaatar, focusing on the Mongolian immigrants in the Greater Los Angeles area. California is the state with the largest population of Mongolian immigrants in the United States. In the Los Angeles area, most of the Mongolian ethnic group lives in the area near Koreatown and has a close relationship with the Korean community. Although the population of Mongolian immigrants is smaller than other Asian immigrants, the Holy Spirit still does wonderful work among the ethnic group of Mongolian immigrants in the United States. Thanks to God's grace, despite the current pandemic restrictions, the church's Sunday service and Saturday men’s prayer meeting will continue to meet online, and they will focus on outdoor gatherings in small groups for prayer and fellowship, also they’re planning for Large outdoor gatherings for certain festivals like Easter. May God use this church to lead the Mongols living in Los Angeles to know the love of Jesus Christ in a foreign land, and at the same time bring the gospel to them and become their true dependence and hope throughout their lives. In 2024, some of their congregations happened to be moving to Orange County. The Holy Spirit happened to move them, and they also thought about spreading the gospel to Orange County. Therefore, they asked the Lord to lead them, hoping to have the opportunity to expose them to the possibility of church planting. Enough of the Mongolians in Southern California.


partner in prayer:

Please pray for the church’s church planting in Orange County, and ask God to guide them to find the right place at the right time, find a venue in Daly City, and send pastors and co-workers to complete their missionary church planting work, and continue to expand God’s church planting work. The borders of the kingdom glorify God’s name.


Please pray for blessings and intercession for the church’s Mongolian gospel outreach throughout Southern California. There are many Mongolian immigrants living in the community. I hope the church will continue to convey the grace and love of Jesus so that the Mongolian immigrants in Southern California can know the Lord Jesus Christ and His salvation.


Pray for Mongolian Bread of Life Church in Los Angeles. Ask the Lord to expand the realm of the church. The number of people who are saved will be added to the church every day. The testimony of Christians is not limited to the church, but also allows brothers and sisters to have an influence in the world.
