National Director: Rev. Thawng Hei
No. of Churches: 1
Headquarter: Yangon, Myanmar
Year Started: 2015


ROLCC in Yangon, Myanmar, was established in April 2015. Pastor Thawng (pronounced “Tong”), the current pastor, grew up in a Christian family. Although he attended church meetings with his family from a young age, he did not personally believe in the Lord until later in life. While working as a middle school teacher, Pastor Thawng attended local Pentecostal camps and evangelistic events, where he truly accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior.

After receiving Christ, Pastor Thawng felt a growing call to serve God, eventually resigning from his teaching position to preach in towns and villages. He also attended seminary to further equip himself for ministry. Upon graduating in 2006, he began full-time service in the church. God later led him to further his studies in the Philippines, after which he joined the Assemblies of God church and taught at a seminary in Yangon. In 2019, Pastor Thawng became part of ROLCC.

Pastor Thawng firmly believes that sharing the gospel and acts of kindness should go hand in hand. To this end, the church began partnering with the Silver Lining Ministries, forming a gospel team to minister to families while serving those with cerebral palsy. The church is also expanding its outreach to young people and children, with the aim of reaching more ethnic groups and their families.

Looking to the future, Pastor Thawng hopes to establish an intercultural missionary school that will train dedicated workers to spread the gospel and plant churches among Myanmar’s various ethnic groups.


Myanmar, officially the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and also known as Burma (the official name until 1989), is a country in Southeast Asia. It is the largest country by area in Mainland Southeast Asia and has a population of about 55 million. It is bordered by India to its west, Bangladesh to its southwest, China to its northeast, Laos and Thailand to its east and southeast, and the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal to its south and southwest. The country's capital city is Naypyidaw, and its largest city is Yangon (formerly Rangoon).

緬甸仰光生命河靈糧堂成立於2015年4月。目前負責的牧者Thawng (發音為Tong)牧師,成長於一個基督教的家庭,他雖然從小就跟隨家人參加教會的聚會,卻一直沒有信主。直到他成為一位年輕的中學教師後,五旬節派的牧者,在當地舉辦了各種的營會及佈道會,Thawng牧師就在那些聚會中真正的接受了耶穌基督成為他個人的救主。他信主後,服事神的心志與負擔越來越強烈,他最後辭去教職,跟隨牧者在各個城鎮鄉村佈道,並進入神學院接受裝備,於2006年畢業後,開始在教會全職服事。期間神帶領他到菲律賓的神學院進修,並在畢業後加入神召會教會服事,同時也在仰光的神學院任教。他於2019年加入生命河靈糧堂。他覺得對異教徒傳福音,傳講福音及好的行為(慈惠事工)必須相輔相成,為此他們開始與伊甸腦癱復建中心合作成立福音小組,在服事腦癱兒家庭的同時,也向他們傳福音。另外,該分堂也計劃在教會開始更多針對青少年及兒童的外展事工,希望能夠接觸更多年輕的族群及他們的家庭。緬甸主要是佛教國家,佛教徒佔總人口的大多數。估計約有90%以上的緬甸人信仰佛教,至於基督教的比例約佔總人口約6-8%不等。因為佛教是緬甸的主要宗教,具有深厚的歷史和文化根基。基督教在這種文化和宗教氛圍下需要克服文化差異,以適應當地人民的思想和價值觀,雖然緬甸法律保障了宗教自由,但一些地區仍存在對非佛教徒的限制和歧視。這可能對基督教的傳播和宣教活動造成阻礙。目前緬甸分堂一共有4個小組,透過家訪、對青少年進行信仰與教育訓練、每月一次福音外展、青年夏令營、聖誕福音外展...等計畫,有策略性讓基督教深入當地。Thawng牧師也計畫在2024年,增加開設英語和吉他課程,與當地學生和家長建立關係,去擴張傳福音的範圍!

Pray with Myanmar

  • Pray for an end to civil war and the establishment of lasting peace in the country.


  • Growth in church membership and the expansion of cell groups. An increase in full-time ministers to serve in the church.


  • Completion of the church building by the end of this year.
