New Life Christian Center - Rancho Cucamonga campus

Location: Rancho Cucamonga campus , California
Pastor: Reverend  Andrew Chen
Year started: 2000
Church Website

The New Life Christian Center of Orange County in southern California was established in April 2000. At the time, Pastor Andrew Chen received God’s calling to build a church in North America that is different from others, a cell group based church that has a specific mission and spurs revival. Their vision is to become a glorious church that is full of love, passing the torch down to generations, filled with compassion and focused on mission.  Currently they have Mandarin, English, young adult, and youth cell groups to fit everyone’s needs. The cell groups spread out in Los Angeles, Irvine, Temple City and Monterey Park, where there are dense Chinese populations. Their ministries focus on the family, marriage, parent child relationship, and prayers for healing. The purpose of this is to create a church for brothers and sisters to love God and love others, and to equip disciples and cultivate a strong next generation. At the same time their emphasis is on raising a compassionate church to care for the needy and injured in society. They planted two branch churches in Mexico City, the capital of Mexico, to care for the local Chinese immigrants and preach the gospel to them. Later, they also preached the gospel to the locals and expanded a Hispanic Mexico branch- Santa Ana campus.  Today, in addition to the main campus in Orange County (Santa Ana campus), they have also established two new campuses at Rancho Cucamonga. In addition, they expanded and planted Kaohsiung's New Life Church in 2015. They also have a great burden for mission, they especially focus on people and places that have never heard of the gospel.  Every year they sent short-term mission teams to places such as Mexico and Yunnan.

位於南加州Irvine的橙縣新生命靈糧堂成立於2000年 4月,當時陳正榮牧師領受神的呼召要在北美建立一個與眾不同的教會,一個負有特定使命、帶動復興的小組型教會。他們的異像是要成為一個充滿熱愛、代代相傳、滿有憐憫及注重宣教的榮耀教會。目前他們有中文、英文、社青及青少年等適合每個人的小組,分佈在洛杉磯、Irvine南北各地及華人眾多的天普市及蒙特利公園市。他們非常重視家庭、婚姻、親子、醫治禱告等方面的事工,該堂小組事工的目的是要造就新生命的弟兄姐妹愛神愛人,並裝備門徒與栽培健壯的下一代,同時他們的重心也在興起一個滿有憐憫的教會,關心社會中有需要和受傷的人。他們成立了國際愛鄰公益協會,義務為所有移民提供服務,並在墨西哥的首都墨西哥市成立了兩間分堂,關心當地的華人移民,同時向他們傳講福音,後在也向當地人傳福音,並拓植了一間西裔的墨西哥分堂-聖塔安娜牧區。希望透過此可以傳福音給當地的西裔居民,讓他們認識神。 如今,他們除了在橘縣的本堂(聖塔安娜牧區),又增加了庫卡蒙加牧區,另外他們也開拓了台灣高雄新生命靈糧堂。該堂對宣教也極有負擔,他們的焦點是那些未曾聽過福音的人與地,每年都派出短宣隊支援墨西哥、雲南等事工,並參與支持橋樑事工及種子計劃,資助敘利亞難民孩子和敘利亞國內流離失所的孩子,他們期望人人都能同享「新生命」的喜樂和滿足。

partner in prayer:

Pray for the unity of the church, that the love of the Lord may fill the hearts of the brothers and sisters, helping us to love one another. May we see each other according to the measure of faith that the Lord has given, appreciating one another and being willing to support each other. May the truth of the Lord dwell in the hearts of all believers, with our lives becoming testimonies that inspire one another, and spreading the gospel as our shared mission.

為教會的合一禱告,深願主的愛充滿弟兄姊妹的心 ,叫我們都懂得彼此相愛;更要照着主所分給各人信心的大小,看得合乎中道,叫我們懂得表達欣賞,也樂意彼此扶持;願主的真理常在眾信徒心中,生命的見證成為彼此的激勵,福音的傳揚成為我們的使命。

Please continue to pray for the cell group ministry of New Life Christian Center of Orange County. May God use each group to become a testimony of the gospel in the neighborhood, ignite the fire of revival in various parts of Southern California, bless the local communities, and bring down the power of God's transformation.


Pray for the church’s weekly staff, asking the Holy Spirit to fill every gathering and deepen each brother and sister’s love for the Lord and their desire to draw closer to God. Pray for those serving every Sunday, including the service leaders, worship leaders, pianists, prayer ministers, worship team, and sound technicians. Ask God to grant them wisdom and strategies, so that through their worship, all attendees may experience God’s presence.
