National Director: Edem Bokovi
No. of Churches: 2
Headquarter: Niamey, Niger
Year Started: 2018


River of Life Christian Church in Niger was established in February 2018 in the Capital City of Niamey. Its pastor koffi Benoit AMEKPO was sent by Pastor Corneille of ROLCC Benin. Niger is a landlocked country in West Africa, over 80% of its land area lies in the Sahara Desert, and over 99% of its population is Muslim. Niger is one of the poorest countries in the world. Pastor Corneille, director of ROLCC Benin, has a heavy burden on evangelism and actively expands new meeting places in other areas, he hopes to spread the gospel to neighboring countries, so he sent a pastor to establish a church in Niamey, Niger, in February 2018, and determined to bring the gospel to the spiritual wasteland. Starting from 2024, the senior pastor will be Pastor Edem Bokovi. With the grace of the Lord, the number of people attending meetings has increased every week, and currently the number of people attending meetings is as high as 235 per week! It is not easy to preach the gospel in the Muslim community. They seek opportunities to preach the gospel on a one-on-one basis in many different communities. They focus on the development of small groups and build a solid foundation for the church. Pray that God will open the spiritual sky and break the rule of the evil one. At the same time, with the development of technology, they have also begun to develop the online gospel part, hoping to reach people through various methods and spread the gospel to all parts of Niger.


Region: West Africa
Language: French

生命河靈糧堂在尼日的分堂建立於2018年2月,位於尼日首都尼亞美(Niamey),負責該堂的Benoit牧師,是由貝南生命河靈糧堂主任牧師Corneille所差派的。尼日是位於西非的一個內陸國,土地百分之八十以上屬於撒哈拉沙漠,是全世界最貧窮的國家之一,人口99%信奉回教。貝南生命河靈糧堂主任牧師Pastor Corneille 對傳福音有很大的負擔,積極向其他地區拓植新的聚會地點,希望將福音廣傳鄰邦,於是差派牧師,於2018年2月在尼日首都尼亞美(Niamey)建立教會,定意要把福音帶到屬靈的荒地。從2024年起,差派主任牧師為牧師EdemBokovi,靠著主的恩典,聚會人數每週增加,目前每週已經多達235人之多!在回教社區傳福音不容易,他們在許多不同的社區以一對一的方式,尋求傳福音的機會,他們著重小組的發展,為教會建立紮實的根基。同時隨著科技發展,他們也開始發展網路福音的部分,希望能夠透過各種網路科技方式,接觸到人群,將福音傳到尼日各處。


  • The church is growing, pray that they will be able to increase the number of chairs to accommodate the growth of the church.


  • Praise the Lord for the victory he’s given the church to overcome persecution. Pray that God continues to strengthen and unify the church.


  • Pray that the Lord continues to prompt the church members in the area of personal contribution and tithes.
