National Director: Steve Martins
No. of Churches: 21
Headquarter: Accra, Ghana
Year Started: 2004


Nigeria is a multi-ethnic country inhabited by more than 250 ethnic groups, of which more than 500 different languages can be recognized in multiple cultures. It is also the most populous country in Africa, with the seventh largest population in the world. It is a religiously diverse society, Christian and Islam is the most widely recognized religion. Pentecostal Life Gospel Mission Church was officially accepted by ROLCC as a daughter church in May 2004. This branch is in Aba, Abia, the more remote part of Nigeria. Many of the province's historic heads of state are Muslims, and many policies tend to resist or persecute Christians. And the local people's living environment and quality of life are extremely difficult, law and order are also very poor, andmany families are unemployed. There is a tremendous need for the gospel and transformation in this place, asking God to open the way for them. As of 2024, under the leadership of Pastor Martins, River of Life has established 9 branch churches in Nigeria and has multiple fixed gathering locations. It has also established an African Children's Home, hoping to take care of those in Nigeria who are in need. Children who are poor, orphaned, abandoned or otherwise in distress. Through teaching and care, give them a safe, stable and hopeful life, and let them know God. Thank God for using the Nigeria branch so that they can reach children and adults and let everyone know God!


Region: West Africa
Language: English

奈及利亞是一個多民族國家,居住著250多個族裔,其中500多種不同的語言都可以認同多種文化,也是非洲人口最多的國家,人口數排名全球第七,是一個宗教多元化的社會,基督教和伊斯蘭教是公認的最廣泛的宗教。生命河於2004年5月正式接受奈及利亞生命福音堂(Pentecostal Life Gospel Mission Church) 為分堂。此分堂位於奈及利亞較偏遠的Abia省Aba市,該省歷史上的多任首長均是回教徒,因此很多的政策都傾向抵制或迫害基督徒。然而當地人民生活環境及生活品質都極為艱苦,治安也極差,並且有很多的家庭都在失業中。這個地方對福音和轉化有極大的需求,求神為他們開路。目前至2024年,在PastorMartins的帶領下,生命河目前已在奈及利亞境內建立了9間分堂,並有多處固定的聚會地點,同時也成立了非洲孩童之家,希望能照顧奈及利亞那些處於貧困、孤兒、被遺棄或其他困境中的兒童。透過教導與關懷,給予他們一個安全、穩定和有希望的生活,並且讓他們認識神。感謝神使用奈及利亞分堂,讓他們能觸及兒童與成人,讓大家認識神!


  • As prices are ever-changing and volatile, pray that God continues to provide for all the needs of the church in finances and resources


  • Continually pray for the spirituality of the country. There is heavy persecution of Christians and the church. Pray for God's protection over his people.

    持續為奈及利亞的國家屬靈氛圍禱告。 近年來基督徒和教會持續遭受嚴重迫害, 求身親自保護祂的子民,成為所有弟兄姐妹的盾牌和避難所。

  • Pray that those who do not yet believe are able to have a touch from God in spiritual and physical healing
