Nueva Vida Centro Cristiano de Mexico D.F.

Location: Mexico City, Mexico
Pastor: Reverend Marc Chiu
Year started: 2005

New Life Christian Church in Mexico was started in April 2005. At the time, Pastor Andrew Chen from Orange County New Life Christian Church saw the growing trend of the Chinese population in Mexico City, and there was no Chinese church in the area. Therefore, he sent Pastor Chi-Yung Wu, who emigrated from Taiwan to Brazil, along with his wife who were fluent in Spanish, to start a new Chinese church in Mexico City. At New Life Christian Church in Mexico, 90% of the congregation is newly baptized Christians. The church strives to train and equip believers and impart to them the mission to preach the gospel and be united in the Lord. As they are growing continuously, they have the calling to preach the gospel to the rest of Central American countries and the unbelieving Chinese living in those countries. Most Chinese people living in Mexico City work in restaurants and the service industry. Therefore, the church has created a unique schedule for their services and flexible ways for pastoral caring.  In 2012, Pastor Chi-Yung Wu's family moved back to Brazil. Pastor Marc Chiu was sent to Mexico City to take care of the church. He is young and passionate. Since taking over, under the leadership of Pastor Marc, they have planted another two branches in Mexico City, one was established in June 2018, a Chinese Church and the other was established in December 2019, a Hispanic Church. They also plan to set up a food bank to help the lives of Hispanic residents in low- and middle-income communities and hope to use this platform to reach more Hispanic communities, evangelize and build churches for them. Let's pray for Pastor Marc and the congregation in Mexico City. May God bless them abundantly with unity, protection and guidance, and their growth and development in Mexico City will enable us to witness God's works and God's glory together.

墨西哥城新生命靈糧堂開創於2005年4月,當年洛杉磯橙縣新生命靈糧堂的陳正榮牧師見到墨西哥的首都–墨西哥城從中國來的華人人數激增,當時該城數萬華人中卻無一間華人教會,便差派從台灣遷往巴西的吳啟庸牧師和精通西班牙語的吳師母在墨西哥城開坧了這第一間華人教會。該堂90%以上的會友是剛受洗的新基督徒,他們積極的訓練同工和裝備信徒,也以弟兄姐妹同心合一興旺福音為他們的使命。同時,該堂在教會繼續成長中也有負擔願將福音傳向中美洲其他國家及當地眾多尚未信主的華人。墨西哥城的華人中從事餐飲、服務業佔多數,所以他們聚會時間的配合、牧養的方式等都較有彈性。2012年吳牧師因個人的原因,舉家遷回巴西,橙縣新生命靈糧堂差派年輕又有熱忱的邱佳煊牧師赴墨西哥城接任該堂牧養的工作。接任至今,在邱牧師的帶領下,他們已經在墨西哥城拓植了另外2間分堂,分別是墨西哥城新生命恩典靈糧堂(2018年6月成立,華人教會)及墨西哥城新生命瑪哪靈糧堂(2019年12月成立,西裔教會)。他們並計畫成立食物銀行 (food bank), 幫助中低收入社區西裔居民的生活,期望藉著這個平台接觸更多西裔族群,向他們傳福音並建立教會。請為邱牧師及當地的弟兄姐妹的融洽與合一代禱及祝福,相信在神的保守和帶領下,他們在墨西哥城的成長茁壯能使我們一同見証神的作為及神的榮耀。

partner in prayer:

Pray for the new building of the New Bread of Life Church in Mexico City. The new church is currently being renovated. Hope that the renovation project of the new church will go well.The new church can be used smoothly to receive more people to the church, and bless those who come to the church to witness God His mercy, the glory of God.


Pray for the newly launched ministries, asking God to bless the outreach efforts and open effective and wide doors for sharing the gospel.


Please send a spirit of humility, meekness and patience in the hearts of each brother and sister. The Lord who is united and loves each other. May the love of the Lord fill the hearts of brothers and sisters. Heart, so that we all know how to love each other; moreover, may the truth of the Lord always be in the hearts of all believers, and life Our testimonies have become mutual encouragement, and the spreading of the Gospel has become our mission.
