River of Life Christian Church in Boston

Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Pastor: Reverend Jocelyn Shu
Year started: 2006
Church Website

In early 2006, the River of Life Christian Church started the first daughter church in the New England area – ROLCC in Boston. This church inherited the vision from the mother church, and hoped to spread the gospel and God’s blessing to every person, family, local community, and Ethnic groups. Their mission is to glorify God’s name and create a spiritually open environment in the New England area. In 2010, God gave them an area of 10.1 acres in Acton, MA, at a price lower than two-thirds of the market price, and there were 55,000 square feet of commercial buildings on it. In 2014, the meeting hall was insufficient, then they built a new hall that can accommodate 700 people and became a prayer hall for all nations and people, which was completed in October 2015. Since its establishment, the pastors of the church, Pastor Jocelyn and Pastor Shu, have actively trained staff and established various staff teams (worship groups, healing prayer teams, and prophets Intercession team, banner dance team) and various ministries, and set up groups in various regions, hold marriage and family seminars, shepherd youth and children's churches, and regularly hold experience god retreat and spiritual advancement conferences. They have a deep burden on missions, every year English short-term mission teams are sent to the disadvantaged groups in Taiwan to hold English camps. In recent years, English camps have been held among the Dungans of Kyrgyzstan. They have also sent short-term mission teams to Africa, Europe, Southeast Asia, Central Asia, the Middle East, Brazil and other places in South America. And in June 2019, the first daughter church was established in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Not only brings blessings to the mission field, but also inspires the enthusiasm of the brothers and sisters to spread the gospel. After more than two years of the global epidemic, their ministry has been preserved by God. Not only did they celebrate the 15th anniversary of the church on January 15, 2021, they also often hold prayer marches in cities across the United States. On the 11th, the Pilgrims First Landing Pilgrim Pilgrimage Walk was held. A total of 33 people participated, including the pastor of the local church, Pastor Good TV USA-David Yu, and members of the Full Blessing Church from Boston, New Jersey, and Toronto, Canada. Looking forward to the future, the church will continue to promote the 24/7 house of prayer for all nations and peoples, expect God to continue to lead, and use the church to be a blessing to the New England region, and believe that the glory of God will fill the whole earth!

2006年初,生命河靈糧堂開始了第一個在新英格蘭地區的分堂 – 波士頓靈糧堂。該分堂承接矽谷母堂的異象,他們期望能將福音和從神來的祝福,帶給該地區的每個人、家庭、社區及族群,並帶動新英格蘭地區對聖靈工作開放的風氣。 在2010年時,神以低於市價三分之二的價錢賜給他們在Acton, MA 地區一塊佔地10.1畝,其上並有55,000平方呎的商業建築,2014年因聚會的會堂不敷使用,他們又拓建了一個可容納七百人的新堂成為萬國萬民禱告的殿,於2015年10月完工。自成立以來,該堂牧者周愛玲牧師和許力弘牧師,積極培訓同工,建立各個同工團隊,包括敬拜團、醫治禱告團隊、先知代禱團隊、旌旗舞蹈團隊及各項事工,並在各地區設立小組,舉行婚姻家庭講座,牧養青少年及兒童教會,同時定期舉辦經歷神退修會及靈命進深特會。他們對宣教有很深的負擔,每年都差派英文短宣隊到臺灣弱勢族群舉辦英語營,近年並在吉爾吉斯東干族中舉辦英語營,又曾到非洲、歐洲、東南亞、中亞、中東及南美洲巴西等地短宣,並於2019年6月在巴西聖保羅市建立了第一個分堂。不但將祝福帶到宣教工場,也激勵弟兄姐妹們傳福音的熱火。經歷兩年多的全球疫情,教會的事工蒙神保守,不但在2021年1月15日慶祝了教會的15週年慶,同時也常在美國各城市舉行禱告行進。2024年,周牧師親自帶領英國走禱團,拜訪威爾斯大復興的帶領者Evan Toberts 開始禱告會、聖靈降下、改變人心及城市的Moriah Chapel 及The Bible College of Wales 威爾斯神學院,還有在1620年清教徒對神敬拜的火熱,決定乘五月花號尋新大陸可自由敬拜神的Plymouth 港口,要到美國的Mother Land 尋根,重掘復興之源,把復興的火帶回來,求主使人心甦醒,使美國復興!2024年也舉行美東靈糧青年領袖高峰會,希望藉此點燃青年人服事的心,為主贏得這個世代的年輕人。

partner in prayer:

Pray for the East American Spiritual Food Youth Leaders Summit. Everyone who desires to be light and salt for God and exert influence can attend. Pray that God will speak to the hearts of the young people in the conference and make their hearts soft and loved by God. Touch and heal, and at the same time pray for the co-workers and speakers who share, pray, and serve in the conference, asking God to give them wisdom and strength to serve the youth in the conference, for every young person, this young person Generations cry out for God’s love and grace!

為美東靈糧青年領袖高峰會禱告,渴望為神作光作鹽,發揮影響力的人 都能來參加,求神對特會中青少年的心說話,使他們的心柔軟、被神的愛觸摸和醫治,也同時為特會中一起分享、代禱、服侍的同工與講員禱告求神賜給他們智慧與力量去服事特會中的青年,為每一個年青人、這個年輕的世代呼求神的愛和恩典!

Ask God to raise up more pastors and counselors who have a responsibility for young people, a vision for them, and counselors to shepherd young people. Ask the Lord to use various channels to equip counselors so that their service is full of anointing and their lives exude love and spiritual attraction. Ask the Lord to use them to win the souls of young people. May their lives become role models for young people; make young people willing to Follow Christ.


Pray for various equipping courses in the church, and thank God for giving the church many opportunities to be equipped. May God bless all brothers and sisters. After receiving the preaching training from the preacher, they can interpret God’s words according to the truth, store what they have learned in their hearts, and apply them in service, becoming a blessing to the group! Pray that God will expand the lives of church team leaders and co-workers, and be willing to accept the equipment and become conduits of circulation, flowing out God’s riches and blessing more people!

為教會各種裝備課程禱告,感謝神,讓教會有許多受裝備的機會。 求神賜福眾弟兄姐妹,在接受講員的講道培訓後,按真理分解神的話語,將所學的存在心裡,並且運用在服事中,成為小組的祝福! 求神擴張教會小組長同工的生命,樂意接受裝備,成為流通的導管,將神的豐富湧流出去,祝福更多的人!