River of Life Christian Church in Calgary

Location: Calgary, Canada
Pastor: Reverend Jessie Wang 
Year started: 2012

River of Life Christian Church in Calgary started its first gathering on Jan. 17, 2010. They are the first Chinese church that is open to the work of the Holy Spirit in the Calgary area. The church values God’s presence, life and His throne. They strive to bring God’s glory to the church of the nations. 

The Wednesday night prayer meetings are often filled with God’s presence and the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Friday night cell groups focus on preaching the gospel and shaping believers into disciples. There are also youth small group meetings every week. These young people build great bonding with each other, and are becoming more and more joyous and obedient to the parents. Children’s Sunday school is divided into three classes according to age, teaching children to understand God’s Word and fear God. In addition, they also regularly hold the Holy Spirit Anointing and Retreat, and often invite some anointing speakers from other places to lead the meeting. There are nearly 100,000 Chinese Americans locally, and 20 plus Chinese churches. However, the Chinese church population is only about 3000. Churches in this area face many challenges, may the Holy Spirit lead them, be with them, and ignite the fire of the gospel in their lives, making them a blessing in the Calgary region of Canada. This year, 2024, their vision is: to resume worship and synchronize with God. River of Life Bread Church in Calgary wants the entire church to rebuild the altar and restore the foundation of worshiping God. Leading people to believe in the Lord!

卡加利生命河靈糧堂位於加拿大的卡加利市 (Calgary),於2010年1月17日,開始第一次的聚會。他們是卡加利地區第一間向聖靈開放的華人教會,也 是一間看重神的同在、神的生命及神的寶座,並致力將神的榮耀帶到萬國萬民的教會。每週三的禱告會常有神的同在和聖靈的恩膏,週五的小組聚會則致力於傳福音,生命造就,和門徒訓練,每週也都有青年小組和少年小組的聚會,這些青少年在一起,非常有凝聚力,他們越來越喜樂和順服父母。週日的兒童主日學依年齡分成三個班級,教導孩子們瞭解神的話和敬畏神。本地有將近十萬華人,大大小小的華人教會有二十多間,但整個城市主日聚會的華人只有三千左右,教會在這地面臨很多挑戰,願聖靈帶領他們,與他們同在。今年2024年,他們的異象是: 恢復敬拜,與神對齊。我們最需要的,是回到神面前感恩、感謝、敬拜、禱告。當我們這樣做,生命就與神對齊,因此今年,卡加利生命河靈糧堂要整個教會重建祭壇,恢復敬拜神的根基。同時,今年也會開啟幸福小組的課程,以及信徒裝備,甚至訓練更多兄弟姊妹,在醫治釋放上面,能服侍更多人並帶人信主!

partner in prayer:

Pray for us to have solid group pastoral care, and ask the Lord to raise up more suitable group leaders and co-workers for us. Please personally select and call the church’s group co-workers, so that they can become Your servants in church service and lead the brothers. Sisters grow and build each other up in love. Ask God Himself to equip them and give them the abilities, gifts, and spiritual wisdom they need to build up other brothers and sisters in the group.

為我們有扎實的小組牧養禱告,求主為我們興起更多合用的小組長同工 ,請親自揀選和呼召教會的小組同工,讓他們在教會事奉中成為祢的僕人,帶領弟兄姊妹成長,並在愛中彼此建造。求神親自裝備他們,賜給他們所需的能力、恩賜和屬靈智慧,在小組中造就其他兄弟姊妹。

Pray for the newly launched ministries, asking God to bless the outreach efforts and open effective and wide doors for sharing the gospel.


Pray for the young people in the church. Ask the Lord to give our young people a sense of mission, give us more desire in the hearts of the young people, and ask God himself to raise the fire of revival.
