River of Life Christian Church in Great Houston

Location: Sugar Land, Texas
Pastor: Reverend Simon Mok
Year started: 2013
Church Website

River of Life Christian Church in Great Houston was established in April 2013. This church is currently the only River of Life daughter church in Houston. It consists of a group of believers who are pursuing “a vibrant faith and an excellent life”. Under the leadership of Pastor Mok and his wife, the church is soaring on wings of eagle to carry the River of Life vision to build a glorious church for God. At the same time, they hope to bring people a spiritual home that is filled with God’s love, where people can take down their masks, lay down their burdens, come out of their sorrows, receive healing and freedom, and have a life that is not the same. The pastoral care, teaching and leadership of Pastor Mok and his wife are very personal and they are examples for the brothers and sisters. They provide classes to build up new believers and started bible study class, discipleship training, and deeper spiritual life class to equip mature believers. They also started more laid-back classes like guitar and keyboard. Even though they have only begun for one year, yet through their guitar class, Thanksgiving outing, health care seminars, and series of ministries, we see God has prepared for them a group of brothers and sisters who gladly serve, displaying hearts of unity and love. God has given them a suitable new venue in 2020, so that more people can enter the church to receive God's love. Their theme this year is "Building an altar and offering sacrifices to call upon God." By building an altar before God, offering sacrifices, and calling upon God, they will restore the damaged relationship through confession, repentance, and forgiveness of sins, so that they can enter into the blessing of God. The church theme for 2024: "New wine in new wineskins" challenges brothers and sisters to become new wineskins to receive God's new wine, new oil and fresh anointing. The main goal this year is to return to the foundation of faith, lay a solid foundation, and live a life of faith. Restore Sunday school and start equipping classes. Let every family member have a correct understanding of the Holy Spirit and experience the filling of the Holy Spirit. The God Experience Camp is held, along with the training of healing and deliverance co-workers and the practice of prophetic gifts. Finally, continue to support Israel ministries and pray for Israel on a regular basis. Host special gatherings for the three feasts of Jehovah.

大休士頓生命河靈糧堂,成立於2013年10月,是生命河目前在休士頓唯一的分堂,由一群追求「活潑的生命,卓越的人生」的基督徒組成,在莫思危牧師、師母的帶領下,如鷹展翅飛翔,他們承接著生命河建造神榮耀教會的異象,同時也希望帶給人們一個充滿神的愛,可以使人拿下面具、卸下重擔、走出憂傷、得著醫治與釋放、生命不再一樣的屬靈的家。莫牧師和師母在牧養、教導、帶領各方面都事事躬親,成為弟兄姐妹的榜樣。目前他們事工重點是:1. 小組多元化 ─ 成立不同性質、不同時段的小組,使弟兄姊妹有更多凝聚力,生命得以成長。2. 生命深度化 ─ 加強各小組在生命建造上的功能,除關懷彼此相愛外,落實各小組每日靈修心得分享,建立網上禱告機制。3. 加強門徒訓練 ─ 更多人興起做一對一門訓,生命影響生命。4. 強化醫治釋放服事 ─ 訓練同工、實際參與服事。一連串的事工都看到神為他們預備了一群為教會無怨無悔付出的弟兄姐妹,展現出同心合一的愛。神在2020年賜給他們一個合宜的新場地,讓更多人能進入教會領受神的愛。2024年教會主題:「新酒裝新皮袋」,  挑戰弟兄姊妹都成為新皮袋,來承接神的新酒、新油和新鮮恩膏。今年主要目標希望能回歸信仰的根基,打好穩固的基礎,活出所信的生活。恢復主日學和開辦裝備課程。使每一位家人,都對聖靈有正確的認識,並經歷聖靈充滿。舉辦經歷神營會,同時有醫治釋放同工訓練,以及先知性恩賜操練。最後,將持續支持以色列事工,並固定為以色列禱告。舉辦耶和華三個節期的特別聚會。

partner in prayer:

River of Life Bread Church in Greater Houston enters its 11th anniversary this year. We are grateful to God for His protection and guidance along the way. We are full of grace. Please pray for the vision of the church this year, "new wine in new wineskins." Ask God to give you a spiritual appetite so that brothers and sisters can align with God, put off the old man, put on the new man, and become new wineskins to receive. The outpouring of God’s new wine, new oil, and fresh anointing.


Please pray for the appointment of a pastor at River of Life Church in Greater Houston. Due to development and pastoral needs, we plan to hire two pastors, namely: "Chinese Pastor" and "Youth Director". Please contact us at Remember the matter of hiring a shepherd in prayer, and ask God himself to send a suitable shepherd to shepherd the sheep.

請為大休士頓生命河靈糧堂聘任牧者代禱,因發展和牧養上的需要,擬聘請兩個職務的傳道人,分別是:「中文牧師」及 "Youth Director",請在禱告中記念聘牧事宜,求神親自差派合適的牧者前來牧養群羊。

Please pray for the church’s equipping course. Half of the adult brothers and sisters will sign up for it for four consecutive months. May God protect everyone from being hindered and be able to come and learn with eagerness. Courses include: "Knowing Our Faith," "Schools of Christianity," "Common Heresies," and "The Operation of the Church." Pray that God can lay a solid foundation for faith through the establishment of these concepts, so that heresies can be distinguished. Be free from confusion and have a correct concept of service. Everyone can find a position of service and perform their duties so that the Body of Christ can be built up.
