River of Life Christian Church in Las Vegas

Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
Pastor: Reverend Yoshi Hoshikawa
Year started: 2007
Church Website

Las Vegas in Nevada, a city well known for gambling and pornography, has a great spiritual battle. A lot of people lived under the bondage of darkness and sin. They started their first group meeting in September 2006 and started church planting work in Las Vegas with the vision of worship and praise, renewal of the Holy Spirit, small group church, and glocal transformation. They spread the gospel to the local people, released and freed people under curse and sin, and healed the sick by the power of the Holy Spirit. In Feb 2007, they officially set up the church, and in April 2007, joined the River of Life family as a daughter church. Starting in July 2011, Pastor Lee and his wife began to shepherd this church and the church has grown steadily. They also have a deep burden on missions and actively participate in minority missions, morning drug treatment workplace ministries, and various community services. Pastor Fred Li retired in June 2021. Thank the Lord, at the end of 2023, Pastor Yoshi , who originally served full-time at River of Life Christian Church in Silicon Valley, was moved by God’s calling. After discussions with his mother church and the Las Vegas branch, he decided to take over as the senior pastor. At the end of 2023, he and his family moved to Las Vegas with faith, and in 2024 he began to take full control of the church, continuing to deliver the gospel and influence the city. In 2024, we will focus on the development of new member ministry, group worker training, evangelism and missionary work. Biblical equipping classes have been launched and even multiple youth groups have been formed. I hope to bring the missionary work of the mother church to the Las Vegas branch. When we go to regions and countries with different cultures and help local people build local churches, the gospel can truly spread its influence.


partner in prayer:

Pray for the spiritual growth of the church members and help the brothers and sisters to keep their eyes on You so that they can live according to Your reminders and respond to Your calling. Help them see the needs of those around them and provide encouragement, faithfully bear each other's burdens, and remember that they will live in God's love together throughout their lives. Let them know that the more they know the Holy Spirit, the more opportunities they will discover for God to use. As they focus on Him and obey His commands, He will use their brothers and sisters more often.

為教會的會眾的屬靈成長禱告,幫助弟兄姊妹密切定睛於祢,以致能按祢的提醒而活,回應祢的呼召。幫助他們看見周圍人的需要,並給予鼓勵,忠實地互相承擔彼此重擔,謹記這一生都會同住神的愛中。 讓他們知道越認識聖靈,就越能發現讓神使用的機會。當他們與祂對焦,順服祂的命令,祂就會越常使用弟兄姊妹。

Pray for the church’s worship ministers and equipment training, and ask God to personally equip co-workers, lead the church’s prayer atmosphere, convey the vision of prayer, and allow the congregation to enter deeper into God during worship. Ask God to use and bless the equipment and training so that co-workers will have a clearer understanding of the direction and goals of the church. Co-workers can work together to prosper the gospel and build a healthy church.


Pray for the adjustment of the church’s organizational structure. Ask God Himself to give wisdom and strategies. Ask God to give pastors an open heart and be willing to share their weaknesses and needs with co-workers, so that co-workers can always pray in prayer. Support the pastor. Pray that God will help the pastor’s co-workers to immediately become the pastor’s support, respect the pastor who works hard among them, be willing to accept advice, and be in harmony with each other.

為教會的組織架構調整禱告,求神親自給與智慧與策略,求神賜給牧者敞開的心,樂意將自己的軟弱及需要與同工群分享,好讓同工也能經常在禱告裡扶持牧者。求神幫助牧者的同工群,能即時成為牧者的支援,並敬重在他們當中勞苦牧養的牧者,且樂意接受勸勉並且彼此和睦 。