River of Life Christian Church in New York

The River of Life Christian Church in New York joined the River of Life family in May 2001, and follows the vision of the mother church - through praise and worship, Holy Spirit renewal, cell church, and glocal impact to build a glorious church. Under the leadership of Pastor Ruth Lin, the church has experienced stable growth. In addition to ministries in Mandarin, English, youth and children pastoral zones, the church also has a community service center, mission center, and church building ministry. 

The Mission department, under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, has plans to expand various mission work and short-term mission areas. They even hope to bring the gospel to the unreached minority peoples. The church also places great importance on the outreach to care for the community and proactively promotes community service. They regularly host various community seminars to serve the Chinese community, especially for the new immigrants, to help them solve work, school life, legal, health and fitness, family and human relations issues, and through these to introduce them to the gospel. In 2019, the church building ministry was successfully completed under the leadership of God, and in December of the same year, Pastor Tong presided over the new church thanksgiving dedication ceremony. After more than two years of the global epidemic, the various ministries of the church have been protected by God. Not only the BOOK & CAFE plan was restarted in July 2021, but also the after-school counseling ministry was started. The vision of the church in 2024 is to equip the saints to enter abundance. To equip the saints through the church, in addition to the newly planned courses this year to allow brothers and sisters to have a solid and accurate understanding of God and God’s words; at the same time, it also focuses on spiritual construction and faith practice courses, so that brothers and sisters can Be fully equipped to become a healthy disciple of Christ with mission and vision. This enables them to perform their duties, mobilize all, build the Body of Christ together, and experience a victorious life through a rich inheritance.

Location: Flushing, New York
Pastor: Reverend Ruth Lin
Year started: 2001
Church Website

於2001年5月加入生命河靈糧堂大家庭的紐約生命河靈糧堂,跟隨母堂的異象,藉著敬拜讚美、聖靈更新、小組教會及全地轉化來建立榮耀的教會。在林郁華牧師帶領下教會穩定成長,除了中文﹑英文﹑青少年與兒童牧區外,並有社區服務中心﹑宣教中心和建堂事工。該堂的宣教部門,在聖靈的帶領下,有計劃的開展各項宣教事工並擴展短宣領域,甚至希望能將福音帶給未曾聽聞福音的少數民族該堂也非常重視社區關懷及外展,積極推動社區服務,定期舉辦各種社區講座來服務華人社區,特別是針對新移民的各項服務,幫助他們解決工作﹑學習﹑生活﹑法律﹑醫藥衛生﹑家庭及人際關係等實際問題,也經此將福音介紹給人們。2019年建堂事工在神的保守帶領下順利完工,並在同年12月由劉彤牧師主持新堂感恩獻堂典禮。經歷兩年多的全球疫情,教會的事工蒙神保守,不但在2021年七月份重啟開展BOOK & CAFE計劃,同時也開始課後輔導事工。2024年的教會異象是裝備聖徒,進入豐盛。透過教會裝備眾聖徒,除了今年新規劃的課程,以讓弟兄姊妹對神、對神的話有紮實、準確的認識外;同時,也著重靈命建造及信仰實踐課程,以期弟兄姊妹可以在整全的裝備下,成為一個健康、有使命異象的基督門徒。使他們因此得以各盡其職,全體動員,一起建立基督的身體,透過豐盛的基業裡,經歷得勝的生命。

partner in prayer:

Pray for the East American Spiritual Food Youth Leaders Summit. Everyone who desires to be light and salt for God and exert influence can attend. Pray that God will speak to the hearts of the young people in the conference and make their hearts soft and loved by God. Touch and heal, and at the same time pray for the co-workers and speakers who share, pray, and serve in the conference, asking God to give them wisdom and strength to serve the youth in the conference, for every young person, this young person Generations cry out for God’s love and grace!

為美東靈糧青年領袖高峰會禱告,渴望為神作光作鹽,發揮影響力的人 都能來參加,求神對特會中青少年的心說話,使他們的心柔軟、被神的愛觸摸和醫治,也同時為特會中一起分享、代禱、服侍的同工與講員禱告求神賜給他們智慧與力量去服事特會中的青年,為每一個年青人、這個年輕的世代呼求神的愛和恩典!

Ask God to raise up more pastors and counselors who have a responsibility for young people, a vision for them, and counselors to shepherd young people. Ask the Lord to equip counselors with various channels so that their service is full of anointing and their lives exude love and spiritual attraction. Ask the Lord to use them to win the souls of young people. May their lives become role models for young people; make young people willing to Follow Christ.


Pray for the church’s weekly staff, asking the Holy Spirit to fill every gathering and deepen each brother and sister’s love for the Lord and their desire to draw closer to God. Pray for those serving every Sunday, including the service leaders, worship leaders, pianists, prayer ministers, worship team, and sound technicians. Ask God to grant them wisdom and strategies, so that through their worship, all attendees may experience God’s presence.
