River of Life Christian Church in Philadelphia

Location: Jamison, Pennsylvania
Pastor: Reverend Tony Xu
Year started: 2013
Church Website

River of Life Christian Church in Philadelphia was started in Oct 2013. Brother Tony Xu, who attended Bread of Life Christian Church in Los Angeles, relocated to the East Coast due to work. At first, he attended a church that was not very open to the work of the Holy Spirit, but he felt the longing for the work of the Spirit. Pastor Joseph Sun and Weiwei Du, who led Brother Tony Xu to Christ, encouraged him along with a few other brothers and sisters, who longs for the work of the Spirit, to start a new church. During the East Coast Bread of Life Pastoral Conference in 2010, they received confirmation and encouragement from Pastor Mudao Xiao of Harvest Church of New York. Therefore, they started Sunday gatherings and weekday prayer meetings in Jamison, located in the Greater Philadelphia region. In the East Coast Ling Liang Conference in Jan 2013, they met with Pastor Tong and his wife, and received encouragement from them. In Oct 2013, they officially started River of Life Christian Church in Philadelphia. Since their inception, they have followed the vision of the river of life to build glorious churches in the four aspects of worship and praise, renewal of the Holy Spirit, group churches and evangelism, worship together, grow together, and glorify God. The church holds conferences twice a year to build up the spiritual lives of the congregation. Since the global spread of the pandemic in 2020, the church has switched to online gatherings. Thank the Lord. Although there have been many changes during the epidemic, the number of their online gatherings has increased a lot. Before the pandemic, there were only about 30 people. Now every Sunday gathering is Nearly 200 people come from all over the United States as well as from other countries, and their offerings have also increased. Pastor Xu used to serve part time and experienced God’s power during the epidemic. He saw God’s work at the ROLCC in Philadelphia and felt God’s new calling and promotion to him. So starting in 2021, he served full-time and was officially ordained as a pastor. During the three years of the epidemic, although he faced huge challenges, he was cultivated and established in the Lord, and the ministry of the church continued to grow. Currently, there are online meetings every day during the week, which has solidly increased the lives of members. May God lead the way ahead and bless the church to grow, and at the same time bring God's love to the entire community, making them a local blessing.

費城生命河靈糧堂成立於2013年10月。 原本在南加州真道靈糧堂聚會並擔任理事的徐英傑弟兄,因工作關係搬到美國東岸,開始時在一間對聖靈不開放的教會聚會,但感覺滿足不了心靈上的饑渴和需要。帶他信主的以馬內利靈糧堂的孫新民牧師和杜蔚蔚牧師夫婦,鼓勵他及幾位對生命河靈糧堂的異象和發展有很深感動的弟兄姐妹們,成立一間向聖靈敞開的教會。2012年10月份在東岸靈糧牧者聯禱會中,再次得到紐約豐收靈糧堂蕭慕道牧師的鼓勵及印證,決定在賓州大費城區的Jamison 鎮開始固定的主日聚會、週間的細胞小組及禱告會。2013年一月份,參加東岸靈糧特會時,得到劉彤牧師及師母的勉勵,同年十月正式成立了費城生命河靈糧堂,並於十月六日開始第一次主日崇拜。自成立以來,他們就跟隨生命河的異象,以敬拜讚美,聖靈更新,小組教會和福音宣教四個方面來建設榮耀教會,一起敬拜,共同成長,來榮耀神。他們每年舉辦兩次特會,來建造弟兄姐妹們的屬靈生命。自2020年新冠肺炎全球蔓延以來,教會轉為線上聚會,感謝主,雖然疫情期間有很多的變化,但是他們線上聚會人數增加很多,疫情前聚會只有30人左右,現在每個主日聚會都是近200人,會友來自全美各地,也有其他國家的,奉獻也增加很多。徐英傑牧師原來是帶職服事,在疫情中經歷神的大能,看到神在費城生命河靈糧堂的作為,感受到神對他新的呼召和提升,於是他從2021年開始全職服事,正式按立為傳道,同時於2022年按立為牧師。在三年疫情中,雖然他面臨巨大的挑戰,但他在主裡被造就、被建立,教會事工不斷成長,目前教會正在尋找新的聚會場地,希望可以容納更多人,求神祝福帶領教會,在今年找到場地穩固下來。

partner in prayer:

Please pray for River of Life Bread Church in Philadelphia to find a new venue. Please pray for your guidance and wisdom to give River of Life Bread Church in Philadelphia a clear direction and find a suitable venue that can not only meet the actual needs of the congregation, but also become a The base for gospel work and given sufficient resources and support. Also pray that God will move the relevant owners or lessors to reach an agreement smoothly and avoid any obstacles and difficulties in every step of the process of finding a venue.


In order for the church and ministry to reach the next generation, go into nearby communities and business districts to pray for people and preach the gospel to people. Ask God to continue to anoint the evangelistic service so that we can ignite the faith of young people and bring about God’s revival. of waves.


Pray for the church’s weekly staff, asking the Holy Spirit to fill every gathering and deepen each brother and sister’s love for the Lord and their desire to draw closer to God. Pray for those serving every Sunday, including the service leaders, worship leaders, pianists, prayer ministers, worship team, and sound technicians. Ask God to grant them wisdom and strategies, so that through their worship, all attendees may experience God’s presence.
