s africa 南非洲

National Director: Reuben Tagoe
No. of Churches: 1
Headquarter: Johannesburg, S Africa
Year Started: 2013


River of Life Christian Church in Johannesburg, South Africa, which started in 2013, is the first branch of ROLCC in South Africa. It was established by Rev. Reuben Tagoe, pastor of Ghana. South Africa is in the southernmost tip of Africa and is one of the most developed countries in Africa. South Africa's ethnicity and ethnic background are very diverse. Despite the reforms, there are still barriers between ethnic groups. The disparity between the rich and the poor, corruption and thepersistently high crime rate all affect economic development. In addition, AIDS is also a great social problem. As of now, ROLCC in Johannesburg is about to turn 10 years old, under the direction and coordination of Pastor Tagoe and coworkers, the ministry continues to flourish. They are actively involved in youth and women's ministries, mentoring and leading teens of poor and broken families, let them be inspired by the Lord's love. And with the goal of "building a healthy family", their ministry is helping sisters learn to deal with practical issues such as life, medicine, health, and interpersonal relationships, and bring God's blessing to the family to this region. Recently, due to the grace of God, the church leased the venue in the Northcliff Piazza shopping center of Greymont JHB. Relocating to this new environment provided them with excellent conditions for growth. They hoped and believed that God would prepare a place of their ownfor them in the future. During the 2021 epidemic, their ministry focuses on nurturing church members through spiritual renewal and building a new response to God's call to achieve complete revival in family life. Their ministry is blessed with young people and they recently had 8 young people baptized and formally joined the church. In 2024, we will focus on believer training, hoping to strengthen the faith foundation of all believers and co-workers through teaching, training, discussion, study, practice and counseling, and become the foundation and driving force for church revival. At the same time, there will be more training courses this year to train more new pastors to serve!


Region: S Africa
Language: English

2013年成立的南非約翰尼斯堡生命河靈糧堂是生命河在南非的第一間分堂,由迦納的牧者Rev.ReubenTagoe前往開拓建立的。南非地處非洲的最南端,是非洲最發達的國家之一。南非民族和人種十分多元化,雖然經過改革,但種族間仍有隔閡。當地貧富懸殊、貪污和持續的高犯罪率都影響經濟發展。此外,愛滋病也是極大的社會問題。南非約翰尼斯堡生命河靈糧堂成立將近10年,在Tagoe牧師的帶領與同工的配搭下,教會穩定成長,事工不斷開展,他們也積極投入青少年及婦女事工,輔導與帶領貧窮及家庭破碎的青少年,讓他們得到主愛的激勵,並以「建立一個健康的家庭」為目標,幫助姐妹們學習處理生活、醫藥衛生及人際關係等實際問題,願將神對家庭的祝福帶給這個地區。日前因著神的恩典,教會租借到格雷蒙特JHB的Northcliff Piazza購物中心內的場地,搬遷到這個新的環境為他們提供了增長的卓越條件,他們希望並相信未來神將為他們預備一個屬於自己的教會。2021年疫情中,他們的事工重點是希望通過屬靈生命的更新來培育教會成員,並針對神的呼召建立新的回應,以在家庭生活中實現完全的復興。他們的事工因年輕人而蒙福,最近他們有8個年輕人受洗並正式加入教會。2024年,將會著重在信徒培訓,期盼透過教導、訓練、討論、研習、實作及輔導來堅固所有信徒與同工的信仰根基,成為教會復興的基礎與動力。同時,今年也會有更多的訓練課程,藉此培訓更多新的牧者出來服事!

PRAY WITH South Africa

  • Pray for the stability and spiritual maturity of members


  • Pray for Outreach activities and prayer walks to impact the community


  • The church is preparing to celebrate its 10th anniversary in November. Pray for the current planning phase, that the celebration will be a fruitful and meaningful one to usher in the next decade.

    請問目前即將在11月舉行的十週年活動籌備禱告。 求神給予智慧,使慶祝活動在下一個十年也能帶來果效。