Samoa River of Life Christian Church 

Location: American Samoa
Pastor: Reverend Joseph Sun
Year started: 2012

Samoa River of Life Christians Church, started on Sept 9, 2012, is located in American Samoa in the South Pacific Ocean. It is established by Pastor Joseph Sun and Pastor Wei-Wei Du, who also started and are pastoring Bread of Life Christians Church in Honolulu and Emmanuel Bread of Life Christian Church in Southern California. While Pastor Wei-Wei Du was praying, she received the vision and calling of prayer for the islands from the Lord, Isaiah 24:15 says, “Therefore glorify the LORD in the east, the name of the LORD, the God of Israel in the coastlands of the sea.” Later on, doors were opened for them when they were invited to serve in a church in American Samoa. A group of brothers and sisters there wished to build a church on the island of American Samoa, which would carry the vision of River of Life. They began to assemble for Sunday worship in Sept 2012. American Samoa, as the territory and supply center of the United States in the Pacific, allows fishing vessels to bring in fishery harvest, make them into canned food, and export from there. Originally, the local church here focused on preaching the gospel to the sailors. Now River of Life in American Samoa is also working to bring the local people to Jesus Christ, and striving to make American Samoa a base for the gospel to be preached to people of the islands and glorify the name of God.


partner in prayer:

Pray for the unity of the church, that the love of the Lord may fill the hearts of the brothers and sisters, helping us to love one another. May we see each other according to the measure of faith that the Lord has given, appreciating one another and being willing to support each other. May the truth of the Lord dwell in the hearts of all believers, with our lives becoming testimonies that inspire one another, and spreading the gospel as our shared mission.

為教會的合一禱告,深願主的愛充滿弟兄姊妹的心 ,叫我們都懂得彼此相愛;更要照着主所分給各人信心的大小,看得合乎中道,叫我們懂得表達欣賞,也樂意彼此扶持;願主的真理常在眾信徒心中,生命的見證成為彼此的激勵,福音的傳揚成為我們的使命。

Pray for the newly launched ministries, asking God to bless the outreach efforts and open effective and wide doors for sharing the gospel.


Pray for the church’s weekly staff, asking the Holy Spirit to fill every gathering and deepen each brother and sister’s love for the Lord and their desire to draw closer to God. Pray for those serving every Sunday, including the service leaders, worship leaders, pianists, prayer ministers, worship team, and sound technicians. Ask God to grant them wisdom and strategies, so that through their worship, all attendees may experience God’s presence.
