
National Director: Pastor Clement
No. of Churches: 21
Headquarter: Lome, Togo
Year Started: 2001


ROLCC began supporting the Gospel Ministries of Every Home for Christ (EHC) in Togo, Africa, in 1999. When Rev. Liu Tong was visiting Togo in June of 2000 to work with EHC, the local EHC made arrangement for Rev. Liu to speak at the conference. After sharing the vision and mission of ROLCC with his fellow workers and pastors, many local pastors were greatly moved and hoped to join the family of ROLCC. Therefore, ROLCC started the church division of Awoutekondji in the same year and followed by Djidjole and Hedzranwoe branch offices in the capital Lome in 2001.

God also gives us a team of faithful servants which is led by pastor Clement (who serves as the national director of ROLCC Togo churches). Under his leadership, ROLCC has planted 21 churches throughout Togo. With the vision and influence of the established church, the local ministries also flourished. In 2012 the River of Life Children’s Home was born, hosting nearly 50 orphans. Also established is Africa Career Training School (ACTS, in 2014, committed to providing vocational skills training and healthy growth counseling for young people in West Africa to help them achieve employment and economic independence. And in February 2020 River of Life Clinic was established, this is a milestone of ROLCC's medical mission. Due to the spread of the epidemic, the 20th anniversary celebration of the Togo branch was postponed for two years. It was finally successfully held from February 25th to 27th, 2022. Several delegations from home and abroad participated. Pastor Liu also came to the scene with Pastor Clément to celebrate.

After 22 years of deep cultivation in the church planting of ROLCC in Togo, it is now possible to upgrade and breakthrough the connection of different cultural hills in mission ministry, and enter education, vocational training, medical and other ministry. May God bless the use of ROLCC Togo to become a crosscultural missionary vessel, continue to expand the tabernacle of God, spread the gospel of the Kingdom of God, and bring about changes in human life in Togo, to receive God’s abundant love and grace!

Region: West Africa
Language: French

⽣命河於 1999年開始支持萬國逐家佈道團(EHC)在 非洲多哥的福音事⼯,當劉彤牧師於 2000年 6月到多哥拜訪EHC同⼯時,在當地EHC同⼯的安排下,在多哥⼀個牧者的特會分享信息。劉牧師與眾牧者同⼯分享了⽣命河靈糧堂的異象與使命,很多當地的牧者很受感動,也希望能加⼊⽣命河的⼤家庭。因此,我們於同年開始了愛渥太康奇的分堂,並於2001年成立了位在首都羅曼的吉喬耐及赫斯然那渥分堂。神也賜給我們非常忠⼼的⼀批當地的牧者及同⼯,目前多哥分堂的主任為Clément牧師,多哥的眾同⼯在他的帶領下已在多哥拓植了19間分堂。因著教會的壯⼤,也帶動了全地轉化的實踐,多哥西非兒童之家於 2012年成立,⾄今已收容了超過五⼗位孤兒。2014年又成立了職業訓練學校(ACTS,,致⼒於為西部非洲青年⼈提供職業技能培訓和健康成長輔導,幫助他們實現就業和經濟獨立。 2020年 2月更成立了⽣命河診所,這是⽣命河在醫療宣教的里程碑。由於疫情蔓延,多哥分堂 20週年慶延期了兩年,終於在 2022年 2月 25日⾄ 27日圓滿的舉⾏,有來自國內外的多個代表團參加,劉牧師也親臨現場和 Clément 牧師切蛋糕慶祝 。22年來⽣命河在多哥的植堂深耕,現在得以透過不同的⽂化⼭頭的連結,來將宣教事⼯升等及突破,進⼊教育、職訓、醫療等事⼯。願神祝福使用多哥⽣命河靈糧堂成為跨⽂化宣教的器⽫,繼續擴張神的帳幕,使神國福音廣傳,在多哥帶來⼈⽣命的改變,經歷神的愛與豐盛的恩典!


  • Please pray for the spiritual growth of all branches, and keep them from continuing to grow spiritually and their faith to be strengthened. Also intercede for the adult ministries of the various churches, so that everyone is willing to participate, and they can continue to grow in spiritual life and service. Pray that God will give them a spirit of unity, and that the Spirit of God will control everything.


  • Please pray for the financially difficult members in each branch, asking God to provide them with their needs and save them from poverty. Also intercedes for Togo's economic development.


  • Pray that God will protect the stability of the country and the health of the people during this time when the epidemic is spreading globally, and pray for the safety of church members. Pray that God bless them in their activities of providing food to people in difficult circumstances, providing them with all their needs, and blessing them in all their services that can testify to God's love and show God's glory.
