Toronto River of Life Christian Church

Location: Toronto, Canada
Pastor: Reverend Richard Yeh
Year started: 2013
Church Website

River of Life Christian Church in Toronto started meeting on November 25, 2010. On June 1, 2013, under the leadership of Pastor Richard Yeh, it officially became a branch of ROLCC. This confirmed the prophetic guidance of Cindy Jacobs to Pastor Tong Liu in 2002 and 2011 that the living water of the River of Life will flow to Toronto as a blessing in this area. TROLCC is a group of brothers and sisters who prayed for the vision of building a church that glorifies God for ten years. Therefore, they know that they must pray in all things, seek God's will, and fully grasp God's promises. Mission church planting is also a vision that Pastor Yeh had received before the church was established; because there are many cities and universities where Chinese people live near the Greater Toronto area, it is the mission of TROLCC to plant branch churches in these areas. The church also focuses on disciple-building courses so that brothers and sisters can receive appropriate equipment. Through prayer this year, 2024 is the renewal and revival year of the River of Life Church in Toronto. This year we will focus on aligning with God and seeking God’s will and guidance. He also led co-workers and brothers and sisters to deeply practice waiting for God quietly, enter into God’s presence, and receive more rest. In addition, they will work together to expand the tent and gather the four talents (church talents, altar matches, construction of teaching materials, and supply of money).

多倫多生命河靈糧堂於2010年11月25日開始聚會, 2013年6月1日在葉主亮牧師帶領下正式成為生命河的分堂,這印證了Cindy Jacobs在2002年和2011年兩次對劉彤牧師的預言,生命河的活水要流到多倫多成為這一帶的祝福。多倫多生命河靈糧堂是一群弟兄姊妹為了建造榮耀神的教會之異象禱告了十年才成就的,因此他們深知必須凡事禱告,尋求神的旨意,全然抓住神的應許。宣教植堂也是葉牧師在教會成立之前就領受的異象;因多倫多附近有許多華人聚居的城市和大學城,在這些城市拓植分堂就成為多倫多生命河的使命。2015年10月,多倫多生命河差派開拓安省倫敦市的陳榮華牧師夫婦及開拓安省滑鐵盧市的陳惠香傳道,經過兩年的深耕經營,分別正式成立了倫敦市生命河靈糧堂及滑鐵盧生命河靈糧堂。今年透過禱告,2024年是多倫多生命河靈糧堂教會的更新,復興年,今年將著重在與神對齊,尋求神心意和帶領。並且帶領同工與弟兄姐妹深度操練安靜等候神,進入神同在,更多領受安息。除此之外,更會齊心努力,擴張帳幕匯聚四才(教會人才,祭壇火柴,建造教材,供應錢財)。

partner in prayer:

Ask the Lord to raise up the youth Vine group, pray for the group leaders, and ask God to give wisdom, strategy, talent, and intelligence to the group leaders so that they can make the best planning and leadership, and be filled with the presence of the Lord. Ask the Lord to expand the spiritual capacity of the group leaders and allow the Holy Spirit to spread in all directions.


Please pray for this summer’s retreat in August and the Ime Pastor’s Conference in September. You desire to be light and salt for God so that all brothers, sisters and pastors can attend. Pray that God will speak to everyone in the conference so that their My heart is soft, touched and healed by God's love. I also pray for the co-workers and speakers who share, pray, and serve in the conference, asking God to give them wisdom and strength to serve the congregation in the conference, and for everyone in the conference. One calls out for God’s love and grace!


Please pray for the management and pastoral work of the church, and ask God to grant prayers to pastoral staff, deacons, Sunday school teachers, fellowship members, and brothers and sisters in various ministry positions. I hope that all members can use the gifts, health and wisdom given by God to manage and build the house of God; so that the spiritual lives of all brothers and sisters can grow further.

請為教會的管理和牧養工作祈禱, 求神賜給教牧同工、執長、主日學老師、團契成員和正在各事奉崗位的弟兄姊妹祈禱。 希望衆肢體能發揮神所賜的恩賜、健康和智慧, 去管理和建立神的家; 使眾弟兄姊妹的屬靈生命得到更大長進。