Tree of Life Christian Church

Location: Fremont, California
Pastor: Reverend James Jih
Year started: 1995
Church Website

In January 1998, Rev. James Jih led a group of brothers and sisters to join the River of Life family, and in May of the same year they began cell group and Sunday Service, from there the Tree of Life, Lord’s Harvest Christian Church officially began to serve the people in the Newark and Fremont area of northern California. Through praise and worship, Holy Spirit renewal, cell group church, evangelism & mission, they serve God and the people around them. Their vision is to build a glorious church that is biblical, mature and powerful, and mission-oriented. The church also emphasizes having the presence of the Lord, living the life of the Lord, and worshiping the Lord on the throne. Rev. Jih’s vision is to be like a leaf from the tree of life, so that they can bring God’s healing and love to the people, because God has healed him, giving him a healthy life. The church has many different ministries, and the purpose is to cultivate God ’s children from different levels so that they become new creations who are full of Jesus Christ. The church also works with God through missions, currently the church has two daughter churches, the India Home of Prayer was established in 2002, and the Tri-Valley Bread of Life Christian Church in the Dublin area was established in 2008. They serve the needs of the body and mind in a holistic manner, and build long-term relationships in the way of shepherding according to their vision. They actively participate in workplace ministry like @Cloud, and in cross-cultural ministry they also serve Operation Dawn and Compassion Network. Looking to the future, in 2024, they will still focus on expanding their gospel work, hoping that the church can reach more people. They are also developing on social media, hoping to reach more young people through Facebook and other media.


「生命河靈糧堂」的大家庭,並於同年5月開始小組及主日崇拜,「生命樹靈糧堂」正式開始了在北加州灣區Newark及Fremont地區的事工,以敬拜讚美、聖靈更新、小組教會、福音宣教、來服事神和服事周圍的人群。他們的異像是要建造一個榮耀神的教會,也是一個合乎聖經、成熟有力、且以宣教為導向的教會。該堂也是一個注重主的同在、主的生命、及主的寶座的教會。季牧師的心志是像生命樹的一片葉子,能把神的醫治和愛傳承給人 ,因為神曾醫治了他,使他有健康的生命。該堂有許多不同的事工,而所有的事工都是從不同的層面,來培育上帝的兒女,成為新造的人,滿有耶穌基督長成的身量。該堂也以宣教來與神同工,目前成立了兩間分堂,分別是2002年的「印度禱告之家」,及2008年在Dublin地區成立的「喜樂谷靈糧堂」。他們以全方位的方式來服事身心靈的需要,並按工場的異象, 以牧養的方式來建立長期關係,在同文化事工上積極參與職場事工,在跨文化事工上則參與服事晨曦戒毒所及社區服務。展望未來,2024年,他們仍著重擴展福音工作,希望教會能接觸更多的 人,同時也在社群媒體上發展,希望透過臉書等媒體,接觸到更多年輕人。

partner in prayer:

Pray for the unity of the church, that the love of the Lord may fill the hearts of the brothers and sisters, helping us to love one another. May we see each other according to the measure of faith that the Lord has given, appreciating one another and being willing to support each other. May the truth of the Lord dwell in the hearts of all believers, with our lives becoming testimonies that inspire one another, and spreading the gospel as our shared mission.

為教會的合一禱告,深願主的愛充滿弟兄姊妹的心 ,叫我們都懂得彼此相愛;更要照着主所分給各人信心的大小,看得合乎中道,叫我們懂得表達欣賞,也樂意彼此扶持;願主的真理常在眾信徒心中,生命的見證成為彼此的激勵,福音的傳揚成為我們的使命。

Pray for the newly launched ministries, asking God to bless the outreach efforts and open effective and wide doors for sharing the gospel.


Pray for the church’s weekly staff, asking the Holy Spirit to fill every gathering and deepen each brother and sister’s love for the Lord and their desire to draw closer to God. Pray for those serving every Sunday, including the service leaders, worship leaders, pianists, prayer ministers, worship team, and sound technicians. Ask God to grant them wisdom and strategies, so that through their worship, all attendees may experience God’s presence.
