Tri-Valley Bread of Life Christian Church

Location: Pleasanton, California
Pastor: Reverend Ke Han
Year started: 2008
Church Website

Tri-Valley Bread of Life Christian Church, in Northern California, was founded in Sept 2008, by Pastor Ping Chiang and a group of brothers and sisters. At the end of 2007, they already noticed that Chinese American population was increasing in Tri-Valley area, with many Chinese super-market and plazas continued to be built. After communicating, seeking, and praying with Pastor James Jih of Tree of Life Lord’s Harvest Christian Church, God had confirmed the calling to build church in Tri-Valley in their hearts. Covered and sent by Tree of Life Lord’s Harvest Christian Church, the preparation started in July, and the church held its first Sunday service in September.

Their target is to preach the gospel to Chinese people living in the Tri-Valley area and their second generations. With the goal of building healthy families, Tri-Valley Bread of Life Christian Church strives to bring the gospel and God’s blessing to families in the community. The church encouraged brothers and sisters to root and deepen in the Word of God. Worldwide missions are also one of their main ministries, their mission strategy is to start the mission with the same culture, to a close-related culture, then to different culture. Right now, they are participating in evangelistic ministries in Asia, not only strengthening believers, but also taking care of the poor. In 2016, Pastor Ping Chiang responded to God’s calling of mission to minority groups, Pastor Ke Han took the responsibility of pastoring the church, working alongside with youth pastors to build a spiritual family in unity. In 2024, we will focus on building churches. We have already viewed several buildings and hope to confirm them in 2024 so that we can serve more brothers and sisters through a larger space.

位於北加州三谷地區(Tri-Valley)的喜樂谷靈糧堂成立於2008年9月,該堂由原在生命樹靈糧堂服事的姜評牧師及一群對三谷區有負擔的弟兄姐妹共同成立的。早在 2007年底他們已注意到在三谷地區的華人逐漸增多,而華人的超市及美食中心也相繼的開設,在與生命樹靈糧堂的季養正牧師交通、尋求、禱告後,神將設立教會的負擔放在他們心中。於2008年7月,由生命樹靈糧堂遮蓋、差派,經過一個月的準備,於9月開始正式的主日崇拜。他們的主要對象是住在三谷地區的華人及他們的下一代,以「建立一個健康的家庭」為目標,將神的福音,神對家庭的祝福帶給這個地區。他們鼓勵弟兄姐妹在神的話語上紮根、進深。普世宣教也是他們的主要事工之一,他們宣教的策略是從同文化開始,擴展到近文化,以至於異文化的地區,目前在亞洲地區已參與宣教事工,堅立信徒,也參與扶貧的工作。2016年姜評牧師領受新的呼召開始進入少數民族的宣教工場,教會的牧養事工由韓珂牧師接續,協同青少年牧區的劉威志傳道同心建造屬靈大家庭。2024年,著重在教會建堂工作,目前已經看了幾間建築,希望可以在2024年確認,以便透過更大的空間,服侍更多弟兄姊妹。

partner in prayer:

Please pray for the construction ministry of Happy Valley Bread of Life Church. In order to integrate the opinions of various functional groups of the construction committee into the architect's design, relevant communication and meetings are being intensively carried out. Please help all co-workers not only build with one heart during the process There is also consensus and prayer in the considerations of integration, timeliness, safety, appearance, construction difficulty, cost, space requirements, usability, maintenance, etc.


Pray for the unity of the church. May the love of the Lord fill the hearts of brothers and sisters so that we all know how to love each other. We must also see the right way according to the degree of faith that the Lord has given to each of us, so that we know how to express our appreciation. , and are willing to support each other.


Please pray for the pastors and co-workers of Happy Valley Spiritual Bread Church to bring God’s presence into the unity of the church, so that members can connect with each other, help and support each other, and see love for each other in various ministries of the church.
