National Director: Pastor S
No. of Churches: 1
Headquarter: Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Year Started: 2017


Since independence in 1991, the original president has always adopted a suppression policy against Christianity, and society and the people often treat Christians as terrorists. In September 2016, the former president died and the new president was elected on December 4. The suppression of Christianity has begun to ease, but the public's rejection and contempt of Christians still needs to be done. Pastor S, the pastor of the Uzbek branch church, received a calling from God to preach the gospel to his fellow citizens and establish a church after becoming a Christian in 1994. He was arrested repeatedly for evangelism and was sent to prison 6 times, but by the grace of God, in 2016, he met Pastor Liu Tong and Pastor Batbold, the pastor of the ROLCC in Mongolia. Many family groups he cultivated formally joined the family of ROLCC in 2017. At present, they have established 73 family groups in 7 cities. Pray that God will continue to expand their realm and remove all obstacles so that Uzbekistan will hear the gospel everywhere.


Uzbekistan is located in the interior of Central Asia. In the ancient times, it was once part of the Karahan dynasty and the Huayazimo dynasty. It was also occupied by the Mongolian dynasty in the 13th to 14th centuries, was conquered by the Russian empire at the end of the 19th century, and was invaded by the Soviet Red Army in 1920. Joined the Soviet Union in 1924. Later, it declared its independence in August 1991 and changed its name to the Republic of Uzbekistan. With a population of about 2 | Page32 million, it is the most populous country in Central Asia. 84%of the people are Uzbek. 89% of the people religiously are Sunni Muslims.


Pray with Uzbekistan

  • Pray for the church as they are still awaiting official registration papers from the government


  • Pray for strength for all the pastors and leaders, that their faith can remain strong in the face of persecution


  • Pray for the members of the church and new believers, that they are empowered to live out their faith in their lives and communities
