Waterloo River of Life Christian Church

Location: Waterloo, ON, Canada
Pastor: Reverend Victoria Lien
Year started: 2015
Church Website

Waterloo River of Life Christian Church of Canada, established by the Toronto River of Life of Canada, was started in November 2013 at the Preparatory Office in Waterloo, Ontario. At first, Preacher Chen preached and led 5, 6 brothers and sisters who loved the Lord to set up group meetings and Sunday worship, and then officially established a branch church in October 2015. Preacher Chen actively participates in music ministry and has the gift of leading worship and praise. In 2013, she was called by God to join the team of ROLCC, and at the same time entered the equipment of River of Life Pastoral Leadership Academy. In 2014, she participated in the healing service of the Canadian Healing Room and was ordained as a pastor at the ROLCC in Ottawa in October 2019. The Church is continually growing because of God’s faithful guidance. Not only is the population growing, the faith of the brothers and sisters is also thriving.  

Waterloo River of Life Christian Church of Canada inherited the vision and mission of the mother church, actively extended mission ministry, and prepared to develop the evangelism and pastoral work for the students at the University of Waterloo. Under the shepherd and guidance of Pastor Chen, the church has regular cell groups, women's associations, brothers’ associations, children and youth ministry, and established Timothy Youth Life Group for college students. At the same time, the church devoted itself to the construction of families so that God's grace and love manifested in every family. After more than two years of global epidemic, the church's ministry has been protected by God and passed through peacefully, and physical gathering was resumed in September 2022. Starting in 2024, the church will focus more on “winning the young people of this generation for the Lord!” Realizing that many churches are beginning to age, especially Chinese churches, pastors and co-workers understand that God thrives among young people. In today’s era, it is indeed a great challenge to attract young people to the church, but God loves the church and will show us everything he does. With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. This year the whole church will do its best to pass on life and create more disciples for Christ!

滑鐵盧生命河靈糧堂,由加拿大多倫多生命河靈糧堂於2013年11月,在安大略省滑鐵盧成立的籌備處開始。起初由陳惠香傳道帶領5、6位愛主的弟兄姐妹設立小組聚會以及主日崇拜,後在2015年10月正式成立分堂。陳傳道積極參與音樂事奉,有帶領敬拜讚美的恩賜。2013年蒙神呼召,加入生命河靈糧堂團隊,同時進入生命河教牧領袖學院裝備。2014年參與加拿大Healing Room機構醫治事奉,並於2019年10月在渥太華生命河靈糧堂按立為牧師。建造神榮耀的教會,以及讓聖靈自由地運行在教會當中,一直是陳牧師的異象和使命。感謝神信實的帶領,教會繼續在不斷成長當中,不但人數增加,弟兄姐妹的信仰也漸漸茁壯。滑鐵盧生命河靈糧堂承接由母堂來的異象和使命,積極地向外擴展宣教事工,並在滑鐵盧大學拓展針對學生的傳福音和牧養工作。在陳惠香牧師的牧養和帶領下,教會有固定的小組、婦女會、弟兄會、兒童與青少年事工,並為大學生成立提摩太青年生命小組。此外,教會投入建造家庭,願神的恩典和愛在每個家庭中彰顯。經歷兩年多全球的疫情,教會的事工蒙神保守平安度過,並在2022年9月恢復實體聚會。在神的帶領和祝福下,教會向下紮根,同工們彼此合一。2024年開始,教會將會更加著重在“為主贏得這世代的年輕人!” 體會到許多教會開始步入老齡化,尤其是華人教會,牧者與同工們了解,在年輕人中興旺神的工作的重要性,在現在的世代,要吸引年輕人來教會,確實是極大的挑戰,但神愛教會,必將自己所作的一切事指給我們看。這事在人不能,但在神凡事必能。今年教會全體將會盡心竭力,傳遞生命,為基督造就更多的門徒!

partner in prayer:

Pray that God will speak to the hearts of young people of this generation, so that their hearts will be softened, touched and healed by God’s love. Ask God to raise up various channels of the gospel to reach all the young people around the world. Ask God to raise up more pastors and counselors who have a responsibility for young people, a vision for them, and counselors to shepherd young people. Ask the Lord to use various channels to equip counselors so that their service is full of anointing and their lives exude love and spiritual attraction. Ask the Lord to use them to win the souls of young people. May their lives become role models for young people; make young people willing to Follow Christ.

求神對世代的青少年的心說話,使他們的心柔軟、被 神的愛觸摸和醫治。求神興起各樣福音的管道,來得著全地所有的青少年。求神興起更多對青少年有負擔、有異象的牧者、輔導來牧養青少年。求主用各種管道裝備輔導,使他們的服事滿有恩膏,生命散發愛和屬靈的吸引力,求主使用他們贏得青少年的靈魂,願他們的生命成為青少年的榜樣;使青少年願意追隨基督。

Pray for the River of Life Bread of Life Church in Waterloo, asking the Lord to expand the realm of the church, and that the number of people who are saved will be added to the church every day. The testimony of Christians is not limited to the church, but also allows brothers and sisters to have an influence in the world.


Please pray for the church gatherings. May the lives of brothers and sisters be awakened by God. May every gathering be filled with God’s presence, and let God’s presence personally draw people to come to Him.
