Global HIghlight: ROLCC S. Africa celebrates 10 years!

ROLCC S. Africa turns 10! P. Cheng was the guest speaker to help our church celebrate for this momentous occasion. See photos of the happy celebration below and keep praying for S. Africa for their next 10 years in touching lives for God in their nation!

ROLCC 南非十週年了!  鄭牧師為慶典講員幫助我們的教會慶祝這一重要時刻。  請參閱下面快樂慶祝活動的照片,並繼續為南非祈禱,讓他們在接下來的十年裡,在他們的國家為上帝感動生命!

P. Cheng with P. Reuben (S. Africa National Director) and his wife Jacyntha.

Pray with South Africa : that God will continue to use the church to redeem many from darkness, equip them and send them to bring healing to the entire nation of South Africa and Southern Africa


Pray with South Africa : that the Lord will in the next ten years ahead, bless them with their own church premises.


ROLCC S. Africa Church Building

Pray with South Africa : that from the nation of South Africa, missionaries will be sent to the sub region and beyond to preach, teach and seek for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.


Pray with South Africa : that the Lord shall help them become a center where young people will be matured and sent to infiltrate society with the undiluted word of God.


Declaring the land for God with all the co-workers!


Fellowship with P. Cheng and P. Reuben

 P. Cheng 與 P. Reuben 的團契


mission trip highlight: washington dc