mission trip highlight: washington dc
by Shu Hua
2024 has been an incredibly turbulent year for the United States, marked by countless challenges across politics, the economy, border issues, crime rates, homeland security, and international conflict aid. While the chaos can seem overwhelming, it also offers us an incredible opportunity to participate actively through prayer and work for change.
2024年是美國極其動蕩的一年,不可勝數的挑戰來自四面八方,包括政治、經濟、邊境問題、犯罪率、國土安全 、經援國際戰爭等等。雖然混亂似乎勢不可擋,卻是我們能積極參與祈禱並努力實現改變的絕佳機會。
In response to this call to pray for the nation, our team of twelve—including ten members from River of Life and Pastor Yoshi’s team from ROLCC Las Vegas —embarked on a prayer journey to Washington, D.C., from September 23 to 26. Setting out at midnight and returning in the evenings, we followed a packed prayer-walk itinerary. Despite physical exhaustion from rain and wind, we genuinely experienced God’s presence with us. Each new prayer site felt like God was waiting behind the door with a reward, fulfilling the words, “My ears had heard of you, but now my eyes have seen you!”
懷著共同為國家禱告的呼召,我們一行十二個人-包括來自母堂的十個成員加上拉斯維加斯分堂Yoshi牧師和該堂一個弟兄,我們於9月23至開始26日展開為華府禱告的行程。從半夜出發到夜晚返家,在緊密的走禱行程裡,雖然淋雨吹風有身體上的疲累,可是卻真真實實的經歷了上帝與我們同行。每到下一個禱告地點,彷彿上帝正在門的另一邊給我們預備驚喜的獎勵- 我從前 風聞有你,現在親眼看見你!
Our four-day, three-night prayer journey exceeded all expectations in both the sights we encountered and the prayers we offered. Although thunderstorms were forecasted for Wednesday, we encountered none; God’s love for us was evident! How wonderful it is when God’s people serve together in unity! God also prepared two particularly helpful brothers on our team, who not only provided midnight transportation for the sisters but also helped carry heavy backpacks during our rainy prayers at federal offices.
On this prayer journey, we walked a total of 33.27 miles and prayed over 22 federal agencies and departments. Without God’s presence, we would not have completed this journey. God arranged each step of our path according to His will, and we witnessed grace after grace unfold!
Below are the team’s top highlights:
1. We were granted three permissions to pray at the White House:
• The first was part of our initial plan.
• The second was an unexpected opportunity, granted after one sister submitted a late application.
• The third came through an arrangement by Pastor Yoshi with a senator’s office in Las Vegas.
Inside the White House, we prayed over each role from top to bottom: for the President, Cabinet, executives, and all staff. We even met a cashier in the White House gift shop who, upon speaking with her, we discovered was a sister in Christ. She prays at her counter daily for the nation and the upcoming election—a reminder that God has placed His people within the White House!
Outside, we also saw different ministries on the plaza sharing the Gospel in various ways.
1、 我們有3個許可得以三次進入白宮禱告:第一個是我們最初計劃的一部分;另一個是美麗的錯誤,因為一個姐妹遲交申請,第三個是通過 Yoshi 牧師在拉斯維加斯的參議員辦公室安排的。2在白宮裏的職位從上到下,總統、內閣、高管和所有工作人員我們逐一祈禱。甚至在白宮禮品店我們遇到了一位收銀員,交談發現她是姐妹,每天在開始輪班時她就在櫃檯為國家和即將到來的選舉祈禱。真是奇妙,上帝在白宮裡還安排內軍!在白宮外面,我們還看到不同的福音事工在廣場以不同的方式宣揚福音。
2. God performed a unique miracle at the Capitol:
Originally, Pastor Yingming hadn’t planned for us to enter the Capitol for prayer, as same-day entry permits for American visitors require prior arrangements through congressional offices. Only foreign citizens can obtain entry permits on-site. Just as we were wondering what to do, Pastor Yoshi reminded us that he’s a foreign national and could help. With his Japanese passport, he was able to secure entry permits for all 12 of us—a brilliant provision from God!
That day, we were able to sit in the visitors’ gallery and witness the final Congressional session before the elections. We watched the live debates among representatives and silently prayed for all 435 members of the House. God never disappoints—how great is our God!
二、上帝在國會大廈為我們行了獨特的奇蹟:原本的行程英敏牧師沒有安排我們要進入議會禱告,按照規定他們不受理當日美國公民遊客的申請,必須事先透過議員辦公室安排,只有外國人才能當場拿到進入議會的許可證。正當我們大家同感錯愕時,Yoshi 牧師告訴我們他就是外國人,可以幫我們全隊12人拿到進入議會廳的許可證,原來他有日本護照, 這真是上帝的巧妙安排!
3. Praying for U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson:
As we were gathering to begin our prayers, we heard a commotion. It turned out that Speaker Mike Johnson was arriving at the Capitol for a press conference on the spending bill and government shutdown. One sister in our group was especially excited, as she had felt led to pray for Mike Johnson the day before and had hoped to see him in person.
House Speaker Mike Johnson is a devout Christian who serves with steadfast biblical principles, showing integrity in handling Congressional bills and mediating partisan disagreements.
三、我們看到美國眾議院議長Mike Johnson為他禱告:我們正在準備聚集分開禱告時,聽到人群簇擁的聲音,原來是議長Mike Johnson走進國會山大樓,正要為支出法案和政府停擺一事舉行新聞發佈會。有一位姊妹特別興奮,因為她在前一天正有感動替Mike Johnson禱告,希望今天可以看到他。
眾議院議長Mike Johnson 是一個虔誠的基督徒,秉持聖經真理執事,在處理國會法案與調解兩黨意見分歧時剛正不阿。
4. We entered St. John’s Episcopal Church:
This small church, located within walking distance of the White House, has been a place where past presidents have attended Sunday services. Its simple entrance, wooden benches, and modest space embody a humility that is fitting for American presidents. The most notable feature is the thick prayer cushions engraved with the names of former presidents beneath each seat. This symbolizes that America’s strength was built upon generations of leaders who revered God and prayed devoutly. Who can argue that America does not need God? In whom else can salvation be found? This church and its prayer cushions stand as testimony.
四、我們進入聖約翰聖公會教堂(St. John Episcopal Church):這個面積不大的小教會,離白宮很,步行就可到,這是歷屆總統們參加主日崇拜的地方。不容易找到的進口、原木的座椅和小小會堂的面積, 其實讓參訪者看到樸實謙卑才是美國總統該有的品格。簡單樸素外,醒目的是每個座位下有刻了歷屆總統名字的厚厚的祈禱墊。這證明美國的強大,乃是建立在累代元首敬畏神和敬虔禱告的根基上。誰敢辯論美國不需要神?除了他的名之外可以靠著得救的? 這個教堂和禱告墊就是明證。
5. We Sat in the Supreme Court to Pray
The Supreme Court is a must-visit for prayer walks in Washington, D.C. Not only did we enter, but we also attended a 30-minute lecture where staff explained the selection process for justices and how cases from various state courts are reviewed and chosen for discussion by the Supreme Court, with only about 70 cases accepted each year. This explanation underscored the significance of the justices’ decisions. Our prayers for the nine sitting justices will extend well beyond our 30-minute visit, continuing in our hearts and prayers onward.
啟示錄 15:4 “主啊,誰敢不敬畏你,不將榮耀歸於你的名呢?
6. We Prayed During Working Hours at the Department of Education
Under the strict security of the federal building, it was difficult to tell if the Department of Education was open or closed, but thanks to the overcast weather, we could see the lights inside, indicating staff were at work. We felt a strong burden to pray for the younger generation and for education reform. Circling the building, we prayed that the polluted American education system would be cleansed and that curricula would focus on what is “true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy.”
六、我們在教育部的工作日禱告:在聯邦大樓的嚴密安保中,很難判斷它們是開門還是關閉。感謝上帝那日天氣很陰沉, 我們能夠看到建築裡的燈光,表明他們正在上班。身為代禱者,為年輕一代和教育禱告的負擔很強烈。我們在教育部辦公大樓繞著團結一致地祈禱,希望美國被污染的教育系統能夠被洗凈。
我們祈禱課程有改革,讓學生學習什麼是“真實的、可敬的、正確的、純潔的、可愛的和令人欽佩的。美好和值得稱讚的事”(腓立比書 4:8)。
7. God Guided Us to Pray for The Washington Post
When we passed by The Washington Post building, we almost missed it, but God led us to find the sign. In the misty, rainy weather, we united in prayer, asking for Jehovah’s victorious banner to fly high over the media. We prayed that God’s light would cleanse the press, turning darkness into light and revealing truth.
七、上帝引路我們為《華盛頓郵報》祈禱:我們路過時差點錯過這座辦公樓,但神帶領我們找到了標誌。在飄雨迷濛的天氣裡,我們團結一致地祈禱,耶和華得勝的旌旗要飄揚在媒體的天空。 神的真光要潔淨以非為是,以暗為明的傳媒。約翰福音 8:12耶穌又對眾人說:“我是世界的光,跟從我的,必定不在黑暗裡走,卻要得著生命的光。
8. We Worshipped with Flag Dance at David’s Tent in D.C.
At David’s Tent, a 24/7 worship center located on Capitol Mall, worship teams from different churches nationwide gather to praise God around the clock. On a cold morning, two sisters from our team danced with flags! Worshipping alongside new brothers and sisters, we experienced God’s glory among us. We firmly believe that Washington, D.C.‘s darkness will be dispelled through continuous worship, and, ultimately, the enemy’s walls will crumble. Here’s the link to the video of our worship.
八、在DC大衛的帳篷我們舞旗敬拜:這個位於 Capitol Mall 24小時開放的敬拜中心有來自全美不同教會的敬拜團日夜彈唱敬拜神,在寒冷的早晨我們團隊的兩位姐妹在現場舞旗!我們與不認識的弟兄姐妹一起敬拜,神的榮耀就在我們中間。上帝帶領我們找到華盛頓郵報,這家主流媒體的大門並不明顯7我們深信在晝夜不停的 敬拜中華盛頓特區的黑暗將被驅散,至終仇敵的耶利哥城牆要倒塌。
代上16:35 你們要說:拯救我們的上帝啊,求你拯救我們,聚集我們,救我們脫離列國,我們好頌揚你的聖名,以讚美你為誇勝。
9. We Prayed for Two War-Torn Nations: Israel and Ukraine
While visiting the Holocaust Museum, we prayed for peace and victory in Israel. By coincidence, we also saw Ukrainian President Zelensky’s motorcade entering the White House, offering a special moment to pray for Ukraine, a nation embroiled in war for over two and a half years. We prayed for God’s healing and restoration work in these countries that should never have seen war.
九、在同一天我們為兩個飽受戰爭蹂躪的國家(以色列和烏克蘭)禱告: 在參觀大屠殺博物館時,我們為以色列的和平與勝利祈禱。走在途中的一個巧合是我們目睹了烏克蘭總統澤倫斯基的車隊進入白宮,絕佳的機會我們為這個已經處於戰爭狀態超過兩年半的國家禱告。在這兩個國家裡不該開始的戰爭,神要做醫治修復的工作。
耶利米書17:4 耶和華啊,求你醫治我,我就痊癒, 拯救我,我便得救;因你是我所讚美的。
10. Our Stay Near the White House and Free Access to the Bible Museum
Thanks to Pastor Yingmin’s friend, who works in the federal government, we booked a hotel near the White House at a special IHG rate, saving us considerable time daily. God also surprised us with a free visit to the Bible Museum due to a schedule change for our White House visit. Originally planned for Thursday, moving our tour to Tuesday allowed us free entry—a reminder of God’s provision, beyond what we could ask or imagine.
哥林多前書 2:9如經上所記: 神為愛他的人所預備的 是眼睛未曾看見, 耳朵未曾聽見, 人心也未曾想到的。